
Okay this isn't a marriage question but...?

by Guest67104  |  earlier

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I tend to get a lot of good answers in this category and everyone in the world has probably tried to lose weight so it fits in about every category!

I've been the EXACT same weight for 5 years. I'm not heavy I'm really just looking to drop an extra 10 pounds to get from a size 6 to a size 4. I eat well, I have about 1500 cals a day...lots of veggies, whole grains, fruit, lean protein ect. I also exercise often, some weights and cardio but I just can't seem to lose any weight! Any suggestions?




  1. "BrntChkn" gave you the answer.

    You have hit a plateau.  That is why there will be no changes until you up the ante in your workouts and adjust your nutrition and sleep accordingly.

  2. upper your cardio 20 min a day you will drop the weight  fast

  3. Yeah, but you should have put it into the exercise and fitness category. Right?

  4. Your body is probably just really used to your routine.  Try exercising at different times of the day, and mix it up.  Try walking or jogging one day, weights another day, cardio the next, so your body never gets used to anything.  Also, you may have to cut down a little more on calories to lose the weight.  Sometimes your body reaches a plateau, and it becomes very difficult to lose weight.  Good luck!

  5. It is really important that you change up your work out routine because your body can plateau. Which is probably why you aren't losing the the last ten is usually the hardest to lose. Try doing some group fitness classes instead...they will give you cardio and toning in one.  They work really well.

  6. I can see what you are trying to know, I would love to go from an 8 to a 6 or even a 4 but I can't seem to drop that weight either. I would suggest to decrease your daily calorie intake, this will help because as you are working out you burn much calories (especially from weights which is what I do running for 30 minutes then weights and other things for 30 minutes). Try doing this and I think you'll find that you will loose your extra 10 pounds. Good luck girl!!

  7. Get serious and stop giving us excuses.  Do you think if you were in Auschwitz you couldnt lose that 10 pounds?  thank you.

  8. No need for rocket science here.  If you really NEED to get down to a lower amount, then drop 200 cals a day and increase your exercise to daily.  Dont skip breakfast, drink lots of water, dont eat within 5 hours of going to bed.  Pretty much everything you already know.  Just don't quit.  Also, if you drink, don't.  Alcohol will kill the diet.

  9. fatty thanks for tricking me

  10. You sound healthy, and like I used to be at one point. What I did was started to do some different exercises, lots of different types of stretches I came up with on my own, never forgetting to work the whole body or else it would be uneven results.

  11. muscle weighs more then fat, you stay at that weight because that is your body's healthy weight.  

  12. 1500 calories has kept your wieght stable.  Drop your intake lower until you get your desired results.  I would suggest 1000 calories per day.

    Due to the drop in calories; you should institute a mutltivitamin.

    Secondly, end your intake of solid foods after 5 p.m.  

  13. My friendd did the "special k " diet and she droped 40 pounds in 3mounths.

    but u can also try doing the crewing machines a the gym everyday they help you lose fat and gain musel

  14. You're right, it's not! But I'll throw in  my two cents worth anyway. The only way you can lose weight is to either change your diet 9reduce fats carbs and dairy) or increase your activity (exercise) If your weight hasn't changed within your lifestyle, making changes is the only way. Good luck!  

  15. I would say that the most sure way would be to kick up the cardio.  If you're doing it 3 days a week for 20 minutes, do it 5 days for 30.

    You could also cut back on your food intake further - smaller portions, fewer carbs, etc.

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