
Okay...well i just had a really really weird dream and i need some help finding out what it means. help?

by  |  earlier

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kay so i was at my dads house and we decided to go to this church type thing with my dad & sister & i was helping my dad pick out clothes & my sister's friend came over then there became this attack and i found like millions and millions of swords and so we were all trying to fight these creatures/zombie things that were trying to attack us & i found that one of these "zombies" were one of my good friends at school. it heartbroke me to see her like that but i had to fight and i was determined. so next thing i knew everyone was dead but me and my sister and we were like wow, no one has ever had all of them down at once except for one! i think that we can defeat these things. then my sister died too. so i found myself with a sword and all the zombies crowded around me so i tried cutting all their heads off but then i got killed cus i tried to run and then i woke up gasping for air




  1. Wow that's really scary. Sorry i cant help here

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