
Okay well my baby is 2 years old, and my wifes b*****s are getting soor from his teeth, what should i do?

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he wont use a bottle




  1. She should has stopped breastfeeding a year ago. You skipped the bottle, get him on sippy cups already.

  2. being 2, he's probably too old for a bottle now, try sippy cups or even just a plain cup with just a little portion of a drink. Get a cup that looks like a toy and show interest in it so he'll be interested. Good luck dad!

  3. You should start him on the bottle,even if he do not want to,you will leave him until he get really hungry, then he will take to the bottle, and the mother can rest and can do other things about the house, rather than nursing the baby.  

  4. I know La Leche league is big on breastfeeding til 2yrs or older so you might want to check them out if you espouse that view.

    But at 2yrs old, there is no reason that he shouldn't be eating solid food and weaned. We get teeth for a reason.

    What does her MD say?

  5. After a child is 12 months old their is not a need for breast feeding. They have already gotten all that they need to have the full benefits of breast feeding. At 2 years it is just an attachment issue with your wife and child.  

  6. He needs to use a bottle. It'll be horrible the first few days, but he just needs to get used to it. Hunger will make him take the bottle...

  7. What should YOU do? Love honor and support your wife, the mother of your baby!  Be grateful that she has given your child the very best foundation one human can give another.

    He doesn't need a bottle, he needs to be introduced to a cup.  Use ones with a top on them so he won't spill and lose concentration because Daddy's making a fuss over spilled milk.

  8. omg wow that is gross

    wacth this and see how your wife is going to be haha

  9. If the soor is really bad, visit a doctor, an ointment will settle the problem.

    But if its just a simple one then u make it a point to suck your wifes nipples atlease 30minutes everyday, doing this will soften it well enough.

    And mind  it you are not supposed to bite em or suck out the milk while doing so, as it may result in a new problem. Wash your mouth b4 and after the act, just a precaution, who knows what can be transfered these days. So be carefull and do what u actually need to do.

  10. Well 2 is getting up there for breastfeeding, not meaning that they are way to old or anything but he is old enough to understand somethings. Maybe she could pump and you could put it in a sippy cup. Explain that he is a big boy. Dont you give him juice or anything? What does he drink that from? Good luck!

  11. I have a 10 month old and I breastfeed. I read up on breastfeeding. Doctors suggest that if you can, breastfeed up to one year. It even states that doing it longer up to two years is more beneficial than whole milk. Whole milk doesn't have all the necessary nutrients. But, I started my son on the sippy cut at 6 months. He drunk his juices and nursery water out of them. Now at 10 months, he knows how to drink out of it. Never transfer your baby from breast to bottle. The breast is the bottle, so next comes the sippy cup. Have your wife start putting his drinks, milk, juice, and water in a sippy cup. Remember, this is a transition stage for her as well. Breastfeeding is a bonding experience that only her and her child has. For her to let go of it is a sense of him or her growing up and not needing her in that way anymore. It's very emotional. I know for myself, I think about it all the time. I will miss it. But I know it's best. I know that every stage that comes I'm going to have to let go. Like breastfeeding, cuddles, learning to walk, etc. Just be there for her through this time and ignore the negative comments that you read or hear.

  12. Your wife should stop breast feeding because your son is at the age where he can drink from a cup.

  13. Well, really you should have put him on the bottle about a year ago or more.  But the fact that he's been drinking breast milk will make him stronger. (It's the best for the baby )  What, I'd suggest doing is forcing him onto the bottle.  I know u don't want to.  But he can't breast feed forever.  You could also try feeding him baby food.  If he has teeth he can do more than drink.

  14. feed him baby food  Go to a baby website to see where you should be at in the cycle.  Doesn't this seem odd to you? I'm mean really, Ouch

  15. Start teaching him to drink out of a cup and gradually use less breast milk and more cows milk (or whatever you prefer) he is old enough to catch on pretty quick.

  16. First I want to say congratulations for your wife to have made it to two years of breastfeeding.  She did the best thing for her baby. Nursing to one year is good but doing it to almost 2 years and past 2 years is awesome.

    Next I want to say you have gotten a lot of answers from people who are obviously not educated so I would definitely ignore them.

    Now how to wean.  That is if she is wanting to wean. Has your son had anything else to drink other then breast milk?  If so how does he drink it does h e take it from a cuppy or from a bottle. If he takes it from a bottle then I would first get him to a sippy cup before weaning him off the breast. that will be a big transition from a bottle to a cup and to stop breastfeeding would make it worse. Next after you get him on a cuppy then try getting him to drink breast milk from a cuppy.  either a regular cuppy with a spout or one with a straw.  Once when you get him drinking breast milk from the cup then start mixing it with cows milk first start with just an ounce of cows milk and then keep adding more and more until you have him on cows milk. Now if he doesn't like that then what you can do is try different flavors of milk like chocolate milk, vanilla milk, or strawberry milk.  He might like one of those flavors, but give it to him in between feeding to make him think it is a treat and then gradually get rid of breast feedings by offering the milk.

    My son is almost 17 months old and he is still nursing but only two feedings.  I am gradually getting rid of the nap feeding.  what I had to do is experiment with different cuppys with him. first I tried cuppy's with the spout but he really didn't like them.  He loved drinking from juice boxes so I got cuppy's with straws and he didn't like them at first.  Then I realized that he does not like regular cows milk at all so I tried the flavor ones. He likes the vanilla milk the most and he now drinks that from the cuppy with the straw. The key is to do it gradually because if you do it cold turkey then that will be traumatizing to the child.

    Just to let you know if he will not drink cows milk you can try other milks like soy milk.  If he doesn't like any other milks at all then one 8 oz cup of orange juice will give him enough calcium.  Now you don't have to give all 8 oz at once but through the day will be fine.  My doctor told me that because I was worried that he would not get enough calcium each day.

    Now for the sore nipples. I know what that is like. So what she can do is fix the latch and also get the ointment to put on cracked nipples to make them feel better. If he will take breast milk from a cuppy then she could pump and that will make her nipples feel better after a couple of days.  You can also try using a regular cup and feed your son breast milk from a regualr cup too that might work.

    I hope this helps and congratulations on nursing for so long.  

  17. if she is done nursing him, trust me - he WILL use a bottle... just give him time. he is old enough to be drinking many different liquids by now. just feed him healthy food and keep him hydrated and he will be fine. =)

  18. At the age of one is the usual age for the transaction from breastfeeding to bottle. In the bottle, you could try: milk, enfimil, powdered milk with water, or juice. At the age of two, he/she should be on a sippy cup but if he/she wont use one, try the bottle again with something else.

  19. I think the store sells these things you put on the b*****s so they don't get damaged. They are the shape of the nipple and the baby sucks on it like a bottle.. you should really start the bottle.

  20. No need for a bottle. Take him off the breast and give him a sippee cup! And i really hope you are giving him other food and try giving him juice too!!

  21. First of all, thats kind of creepy still breastfeeding at 2.

    Second off. Theres no way in He$l he should still have his bottle.

  22. Good for you being supportive...

    If she wants to continue breastfeeding then she will have to fix his latch.  He has just gotten lazy with it.  That involves telling him his teeth are to tight, taking him off and starting again.  Over and over.  It may take a bit for him to relearn the latch.  It can be done and is easier as they get older.  

    If she has had enough then tell her it is ok to wean, she has done a great job.  Just wean slowly, which I am sure she knows.  

    A LLL or hospital lactation consultant might be able to help with the latch (LLL may be better).  

  23. breastfeeding won't hurt his a little research and you'll read it over and over. The nipple is sucked up too far to mess with the teeth.

    My mother in law said she thumped her kids when they bit her while feeding. I also read to press your breast into the baby's face until they let up...eventually they stop biting.

    However, if he's not biting, and his teeth are just bugging her b*****s, it may be time to give him a sippy cup. by 3 he should be using a regular cup, so he'll need a bit of practice.

    I'm glad you've chosen to keep breastfeeding so long. It's great for the baby.

    Good luck to your wife!

  24. wife stopped breast feeding our sons around 7-9 months. Your two y.o. should be either in a big 8oz baby bottle or a sippy cup drinking milk and juice.  

  25. He should be drinking from a sippy cup and possibly learning how to drink from a straw by now. The mother needs to quit breastfeeding IMNMEDIATELY!!!! Being 2 years old and still breastfeeding is ridiculous! Mayby the mom needs to let go too!

  26. wow... you should have been asking this question about year or so ago... forget the bottle, she needs to be on real food now... and a sippy cup!!

  27. Give the baby the bottle of milk instead and you suck on her b*****s..

    Everybody wins this way.

  28. He's old enough to be on cereal and solids now.  If she takes him off the breast, then I assure you he will be fine.  Besides, he's big enough now to try the sippy cups.

  29. you should try using a sippy cup, it's time to wean him off. He needs other things beside breastmilk, hopefully you already are giving him real food, he need whole milk.

  30. 2 yrs old he needs to be weaned and does not need a bottle either.  Time for a sippy cup and just regular food.  

  31. I would break him of breast feeding... Typically he has all the nutirents from her breast that he would need. Def. by two. He is of coarse eating baby food? By now he should be eating reg food. Anyways, if she still wants him to have her breast milk, I would start pumping milk... And FOR SURE get him onto a bottle, and then a cup. It maybe frustrating at first if he won't take a bottle, but trust me eventually he will! My baby is 1 year 2 months, and already takes a cup and eats table food.  

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