
Okay. what are the what are the odds, do you think?

by  |  earlier

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i've heard from some people and friends that the s*x of they're baby was mistaken.

they were told that they were going to be having a girl and then they ended up with a boy!

i was told i'm having a girl and every since i heard that this could happen it's gettin me thinking.

what are the chances the doc was wrong and that i could be having a boy?

help anyone

has this happened to anyone else out there.

they were told one thing and they got another

help please.




  1. they told me my son was a girl, but the other two were correct, they usually dont say anything if they not pretty sure

  2. If you have a sonogram done after or on the 20 week point, the odds are extremely slim that the ultrasound technician would be mistaken about the baby's gender. early in pregnancy, girls can get mistaken for boys because their genitals have not turned inward yet. it is extremely rare for a boy to be mistaken for a girl. If you jump the gun and try to find out the gender really early you could run the risk of a mistake, but the technology is much more advanced than it was even just a few years ago. I found out I was having a girl at 20 weeks and it was 100% accurate!

  3. It does happen, but it occurs less than you think.  What myself and my husband did, was have the regular check at 20 weeks and then at 31 weeks we confirmed.

  4. It really depends on how long the ultrasound tech has been doing their job. The more experienced the ultrasound tech the lower their chances are for getting it wrong

  5. I don't know, considering I've never been pregnant haha.

    But the doctor told my mom that my sister was a boy, and what do ya know, she's a girl. lol :)

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