
Okay what do I do in this situation....girls? Boys? Anyone please!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I liked this guy for a while. I think he liked be at one point, but now he asked my friend out. She told him she had to ask me first. So know it's pretty obvious I like him (but whatever, I don't care anymore lol). So now I am sooo confused what to tell her, to do. She told me she liked him, now she doesn't, but I'm not sure that's 100% true. I think she still likes him......... What can I tell her to do? I'm sooooo confused.




  1. it kinda sounds like you don't care that much, so you must not really like this guy!

  2. just tell her go for it if she wants, you'll get over it becasue you dont want a guy who doesnt want you back.  You'll find a different guy to like really.  

  3. IF she know u like/liked him

    u need 2 tell her your totally cool with her and him going out because if u dont she will feel bad and think shes taken him away from you.

    Just tell her, if u like him go out with him and she is probably jst sayin she doesnt like him so she doesnt up set u u need 2 reassure her that ur down wit her and him going out

    Hope this helps :D  

  4. just say its not up to me im not his girlfriend and see what she does.

    if she goes out with him oh well if she doesn't no one can blame you.

  5. tell her exactly how you feel, and if she doesn't believe her, well then let her think what she thinks.

  6. there is going to be plenty of other guys coming around, i wouldn't let this one guy ruin your friendship.  I would tell your friend that, and if she is a true friend then she will respect you and go find someone else and leave your crush alone.  

  7. say you cant make her decision and what ever decision she makes will be fine with you and she doesn't your approval for anything and if she likes him to pursue him because it might be her only chance

  8. Unless you are still like absolutely in LOVE with this guy, then be a good friend and tell her to say yes to him if she likes him. It was very nice of her to tell the guy that she had to ask you first, she could have just said yes and stabbed you in the back, but instead she took into account your feelings so you should take her feelings into account to. Tell her that you think it was very nice to have asked for your opinion but that you want her to be happy and she should go out with this guy and you'll get over it. Then start looking for other guys to distract you, so that you can be happy for your friend and still be happy yourself. Soon you'll probably find someone you like better and you'll still have your friendship which is most important =]. Remember that teen relationships usually don't last too long, so if you and this guy were really meant to be, you can still go out after your friend breaks up with him....there is plenty of time.

    good luck

  9. Well, first of all.... you do care or you wouldn't be asking this question. I've been there before, except in the other situation. I fell in love with a guy my best friend had a crush on... (who I just so happened to marry) I think depending on how strong your feelings are you should tell your friend how you feel and ask her how she feels. If they like eachother, don't be selfish. The best thing to do is keep your friendship strong. There are so many fish in the sea and crushes come and go....

    I hope this helps! :)  

  10. i'd let her go for is as long as she wouldn't parade him infront of me.

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