
Okay what would you do if you were 17 and you were prego, but the daddy didnt want to have the baby,

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Okay so umm i am 17 and i am having a baby, but umm the guy that i am prego by is only like 16, and he dosent want to have a umm what would you do? bc i want to have the baby and he dosent want anything to do with it...and he told me that if i go through with this then he was going to leave the state and never have anything to do with this baby....but i just dont know what to do




  1. umm well u have to decide that , i don't know how ur life is so i can't really tell u what YOU should or should not do only u can decide that...

    As for me i would oh well to him that i'm keepin my baby, and he will be paying child support regardless if he wants the kid or not cause i didn't get myself pregnant and if he don't i will have him locked up...but that's what i would do in my life yours maybe different soo...

  2. first of all.if you want to have the baby.thats all that matters.and im glad you are.second forget about him.he's a loser afraid of owning up and taking responsibility

  3. Well, bad news is, you aren't going to change his mind.  Good news is you're probably better off; since he can't deal, he would only be a hindrance.  When it comes down to it, it doesn't matter what he wants because it's your choice.  Go to your local child support enforcement agency (or whatever it's called where you are) and file for child support.  Doesn't matter what state he goes to they can make him live up to his financial responsibility at least.

    Other advice:  Talk to your family about how you're feeling.  

  4. Have you told his parents? If you haven't I would so he would get into trouble if he's gonna be a female dog like that.  He's not a man, but a little childish boy.

    And make sure to place a nicely aimed foot right at his balls.  It really does hurt more then you think.

  5. Honey, I feel for you.  I know this must be very very difficult.  At seventeen, I know it's very hard to imagine what will make you happiest in the LONG RUN.  The long run is so hard to see.  It's actually good that he sees RIGHT NOW that he doesn't want to be a daddy.  (Much better now, than later.)  I know you love your baby.  Adoption is the most loving choice.  I'm sure you'll make a great mom someday.  If you give the baby up for adoption, the baby will have two parents who are ready and able to give the best care.  It really does take a mom and a dad.  For you, the pregnancy, the birth, an adoption, motherhood, all will be very hard.  But in the long run, you will be happier with adoption.  You will be able to grow up, have a full life, and know for sure that you made the right choice.  Then when you find Mr. Right and you're both ready, you'll have the best experience possible.  That first baby won't disappear, they will find out their biological mother wanted the best for them, they'll probably find you, and you'll be friends.  It takes strength to do the right thing, but pray for the strength and God will give it.  

  6. well you can keep the child and raise it alone ,you cannot make a 16 year old boy want to be a father or want to be with you!! face it he just wanted s*x he is not in love with you and does not want to marry you or play family at all!

    if you cannot support this child and are not going to be a responsible mom give the baby up for adoption.that is the best thing really for all of you!! why do young people have s*x without using birth control??? it is selfish and lame then you are all crying i am pregnant what do i do??? how about keep your legs closed and stop having s*x before marriage??? the world is full of unwanted illigitimate kids.yours is no more special than any of the rest of them,sorry! i do not think all these babies were accidents.i think they were the results of stupidity at its worst!!! do the right thing and wait for marriage or be responsible at least and always use birth control and extra protection.good luck,really!

  7. this is your decision. of course, it would make the situation easier if he were on board, but he's not and that's okay. understand that you need a job and a friend or relative to help you. take a deep breath, relax and don't mess up your priorities.

    good luck.

  8. Better to be by yourself that have a person like that... why do you want  to be with a irresponsible child (because he's not a man, man is not the one who makes babies, man is the one who is responsible)?

    Have the baby... and don't worry... you don't need him...


    Umm... there is something we call "Child Support" right?

  9. that bull **** U didnt get pregnant on ur own

    he helped to so he needs to help care for the baby

    ur the one who has to make a the real chocies so u get to decide wat u want to do with the life u made with him. and if he doesnt want it o well we still has to pay C.S even if he moves away  

  10. I would have the baby and then give it up for adoption

  11. What is going to happen if this baby is born prematurely? What are you going to do then? Have you ever just sat back and thought what's best for this baby? It's not all about you anymore, You have a baby growing inside you at this very moment so STOP being selfish. Yes you can do it because I was a mother at such a young age but you really gotta look and see whats best for this child of yours instead of wanting to fill in your needs and wants.

    Good luck and take care

  12. its up to you.

    if you want to have the baby then go ahead and have the baby.

    the daddy of the baby is just scared of commitment,

    so just leave him and watch him come back to you.

  13. have it you do not want to kill someones life cause of a boy!

  14. Well then that's his problem.

    He's stuck with the responsibility for the rest of his life, or until the baby is 18.

    Let him have nothing to do with the baby, and that'll be hard to grasp for you because you want to deal with the baby.

    What you need to do is get child support from him.

    It's just as much his baby as yours.

    Although, he could give up all his rights towards the baby, and then I don't think he'd have to pay child support.

    Anyways, you should get whatever help you can from him, even if it means child support.

    Best wishes!

  15. i wouldnt care, i mean its YOUR baby. if he doesnt want anything to do with it, thats his fault! yeah and i highly doubt he would leave the state. besides no offense, but i would think he would have the advantage, he knocked up an older girl...

  16. if you want to have the baby, and can finically support it.

    then that's great!

    forget about the guy; he's a loser.

    have the baby and give it a good life!


  17. I'm very happy that you want the baby. Don't let the father influence you, you can have that child and you can raise it. If he doesn't want to man up and take responsibility for something he created, send him to child services. Just make for CERTAIN that he pays child support no matter what, even if he wants nothing to do with the child. "But I told her I didn't want it!" isn't a good enough excuse in a court room.

    Good luck, and I hope your pregnancy goes well!

  18. our government will find him and make him pay, if he tries to run from child support, remind him our wonderful government will lock him up, and/or take money out of his paycheck. its not up to him. he decided to have s*x, so did you, you both have to face it. Just remember, you can not deny him visitation just becuase he isnt paying child support, just let him see the child, and take him to court. never speak badly about the father infront of the child either.....

  19. in the end your the one thats having the child it depends on what you think is best for your child if you want him in your life then thats n you but regardless your gonna have to take care of it maily not him so hey if he wants to leave youll always remember what he did to you and your child and neva give him a second chance

  20. I would have the baby. And live up to my responsibilities. And force him to pay child support.

  21. hey your the one who is carrying the baby in YOUR stomach

    so its your choice

    just go through with it,so what if he leaves the country


  22. "Ummm", of course you don't know what to do, you are only 17 and you're pregnant!  And for crying out loud you are calling it "prego"!  It isn't spaghetti sauce, it's a baby. And you are in for a rude awakening.  Please consider adoption, you could give the ultimate gift to a couple who can't have children.  

  23. He can run but they will still find him.

  24. well it doesnt really matter what he does. if he doesnt want it hes a stupid jerkface loser!!! but you should have the baby and take care of it if you want it and if you dont you should have it and give it up for adoption. but if you do have it and keep it you should make sure you work super hard and take care of it.

    ^^ i hope everything goes fine and stuff. (and next time maybe try being married before you go and have s*x and stuff that way the father

    (husband) will be there for you and want the child with you) s*x before marriage only ends in a disaster. like the father not wanting it therefore leaving you.

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