
Okay when I opened my yahoo answers page this morning, it said I was down 11 points.?

by  |  earlier

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How do you loose points? I just have not seen that yet. Why did I loose points?




  1. ask questions like this, you lose 5 points for each question asked

  2. Havn't got a clue hon. Did you get reported or something by the few out there that can't take constructive critism? could be, but then i think you should have got an email if that were the case.

  3. Does it really matter?

  4. you lose five points for every question asked and two points for every answer removed, either by you, someone who reported it, or yahoo if its considered a violation. So the only way i can see you losing eleven points was if you asked a question and had 3 answers removed o.O

  5. you bad boy !!!!!   its because yahoo removed one of you questions or answers !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Questions 'cost' 5 points.  Violations will also cause you to loose points.

  7. Hi Cowgirl Power~

    I'm comparatively new, but from what I've read here on YA, there are a number of ways you can lose points.

    -When you ask a question, it costs 5 points.

    -Did you delete an answer? That costs the 2 points you gained upon answering.

    -When questions asked by you are removed/reported by others, I believe you can also lose points.

    I am not sure if "thumbs down" ratings count negatively.. like "thumbs up" ratings can count in your favor. If they do,  some could have come from thumbs down ratings on your answers to certain questions. I went searching for you & didn't find any thumbs down until about 8 questions ago.. on a question you answered about "roaches in cornbread".  There were 3 thumbs down. Perhaps they were recently given, affected your score & you noticed it upon your most recent log in.

  8. If u ask a question u lose points. (-5) If u delete a question u lose points. (-2?) If u don't visit Yahoo! Answers u lose points. (-???) That's it.

  9. coz it depends means that u deserve


    there is alink to the point scale and how to gain and lose points

  11. did u log out the previous time. if not some one has got  your log in account when he logged on to, then he may have asked the questions. does anybody know your password,if some one knows ask him that he had asked the questions. if the both are not right, someone has stolen your password.

  12. i know you lose them whenever you ask a question!

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