
Okay...whos running for pres? McCain or Palin?

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Okay...whos running for pres? McCain or Palin?




  1. Well according to the arguments of experience that mccain uses, he should step aside and let her take the top of the ticket. After all his campaign points to executive experience which mccain has none.

  2. McCain.

  3. It's funny.  Considering all the hysterical enthusiasm coming from the GOP pundits and conservative talk show hosts about Sarah Palin, I'm surprised the Republicans didn't nominate her for President.

  4. McCain is running for President with Palin as his Vice Pres.  He is so old, she could become President during his term.

  5. They come as a pair, as the Vice President becomes President should something happen to the elected President.  So although it's McCain running for the top office, questioning Palin's (or any VP candidate's) qualifications as if she were running for President is a necessity.

  6. it's clearly McSame...

    prolem w/Sarah is that she will fill in if something happens to him--that's what people are worried about.

    With Biden they know him, his leadership abilities; foreging policy, etc. and years and years of experience if he has to fill in.

    Palin can't even "back up" McSame on a  clear day.

  7. The average life expectancy for a white guy is about 77.

    McCain is 72 and has faced cancer four times. He's also about to take on one of the most stressful, aging jobs in the world.

    While I certainly hope McCain lives a happy life outside the White House, I think if he were to get in, there'd be a high probability of Palin finishing his term there; I know little about her, and from what I know, she's too concerned with her religious agenda and too likely to abuse her power (Troopergate, the threatening of firing the librarian and the fact the librarian briefly lost her job.)  

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