
Okay why am i obsessed with guys....?

by  |  earlier

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i can't stand a teenager who's literally obsessed and im not trying to be a w***e and i don't normally act like one but im almost uncontrollably flirty and really wish there was like no such thing as boys...

am i crazy or is it just hormones?




  1. You're a teenage girl. It's the hormones.

  2. there is nothing wrong in liking my kind or my gender

  3. UR not crazy and yes it is the hormones!!! ha ha

  4. haha, a normal teenage girl [:

  5. if only if only all girls were you the world would be in harmony

  6. hormones. they will die down after awhile.

  7. its normal

  8. hormones.

    but if you're a teenager i suggest " stay the h**l away from penises" well for now ha ha

  9. hormones, but you have to learn how to control that. Smart girls are the sexiest in the long run. Plus they have more to offer to a relationship. Also, you don't want to get burned being the neighborhood honey hole.

    Choose your life. This is where it starts girl.  

  10. It's probably just hormones...same thing on the other end, believe me...

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