
Okay worst case scenario, what do i do?

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I'm constantly worrying about getting employed after uni. I'm more or less convinced that i won't get employed in the field that i'm doing my degree in. There is a slight chance, but there's this person in my head saying, c'mon Ryan, reality check, it's not going to happen. So i just want to know, worst case scenarioo, completete my degree, and start searching for work, should i fail in that search for the job. What do i do? What kind of careers could i look at? (some examples would be really appreicated) Espeacilly ones where they ask for a degree but not in relation to anything?

Just a bit scared and low of confidence about the whole thing, would really appreciatete any support/advice?




  1. It would help if you said what you were doing your degree in.

    There are lots of jobs that just ask for Graduates though, like banking and recruitment and other boring stuff like that.

    You should have more confidence in getting a job in your chosen field. 50% of getting the job in the first place is blagging your potential employer into believing you are the person for the job, even if you have no experience. Once you are there you will soon pick it up.

  2. you need to tell us what your degree is in so we can give you options/ideas/advice. come one!! jesus, do you expect us just to know what 'ryan' is doing?

  3. Hiya.

    Firstly, STOP WORRYING!!! I'm just like you and worry about anything!

    Most employers will be looking for people like you, with degrees. You are clearly very intelligent and an employer will be lucky to have you!

    Just have a bit of confidence. If you fail (which is unlikely) just work out where you went wrong and take it in your stride-learn from it and use it in future!

    Because I have no idea what kind of job you are looking at, or what kind of subject you are studying, just follow your mind.

    You know what you want better than anyone.

    Hope this helps! :)  

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