
Okay would you consider it rude if someone asked you how many people you have had s*x with?

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I mean call me old fashioned but I don't want to know about any body's s*x life, and I definitely don't like when somebody asks me how many people I have had s*x with; Which by the way happened to me once, when this lady asks me, and other people in a hot tub how many people we each had s*x with. So when it got to be my turn I said I have never done it, and she said how I should do it. But still I feel even though it probably didn't look cool that I was the only virgin in the hot tub. The point is it is my choice, and even if I was promiscuous I still wouldn't feel comfortable talking about that part of my life. I hope that doesn't make me sound to immature for a twenty year old, and all.




  1. do people want to know in case you have a STD? or are they planning on being next? it is not anyone's business and you are definitely not obligated to tell. tsk, tsk on that person who wanted to know.

    love ya


  2. yes i think its very rude

  3. it depends how well you know them

  4. It ain't nobodies business but your own.

  5. Yes it is extremely rude and classless. Whoever this lady is I would not be hanging out with her kind, complete trash!

  6. How tactless and crude.  You never ever discuss your sexuality with anyone.  Except your partner.  

    Let me give you a piece of advice that I hope you remember and take with you once you do become sexually active....

    When people openly talk about intimate moments, others get a "visual".  They get a 'visual' thought in their head.  They picture you and him having s*x.  That 'visual' makes them curious.  Curious people are no good.

    When people try to delve into my s*x life, I shrug it off and say it's no good.  I hope you understand what I'm saying.

    I think you are doing just fine for a 20 year old.

  7. YES IT IS RUDE AND INAPPROPRIATE unless its a doctor, like if your getting tested. But its up to you to whom u tell how many partners u had.

  8. People often get a little strange when they are sharing a hot tub. It must be something in the water...

    We have all had different lives, and different "oportunites." dont feel bad about how yours has gone. I sometimes wish I hadnt had as many as I have. I am lucky to still be healthy, I think.

  9. i think its great that you have the will-power and self respect to be a virgin at 20. you are an inspiration to me as a 13 year old girl. i know that i can overcome pressure. plus, kudos for admitting that you are a virgin and being true to yourself!

    on the otherhand, s*x is not an embarassing thing. i have no problem talking about it as a young teen (don't worry, i am a virgin) and i think its fine that friends were openly talking about their s*x lives. its great to be open. if you aren't comfy with it fine, but know that its also no biggy for your friends to share.

    thanks for a little bit of inspiration!

  10. I would consider it rude in most situations.  I would also consider it a lead-in to a proposition if you know her so slightly you call her 'this lady' instead of 'my friend', 'my ex', etc.  What you do about the proposition is, of course, up to you and none of my business.

  11. from a man, yea, from your friends? that your opinion.

  12. In my opinion it is very rude, it is no one`s but your own business. I think not even a doctor or your current s*x partner should ask you that. The past is the past

  13. It's very rude.  The only person who has any reason to ask is your current sexual partner, and even then it's a delicate question.  And, just my opinion, but I think the lady in the hot tub was hitting on you.

  14. Memorize these:

    "Why do you want to know?"

    "I'm surprised that you would ask such a personal question."

    "I don't care to discuss this."

    You don't owe anyone answers about such personal details, and she was beyond rude for asking.

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