
Okie, I've gotta baby blue jay. HELP!?!?

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Ok, so I wasn't sure until now, but I'm pretty positive the baby bird I found(no feathers, closed eyes, on the ground in the rain), is a baby blue jay. (We can't find a nest and don't live near any places that take birds) I need to know what to do for him until we can find a place. This may take a long time, so tell me how to take care of it, please.




  1. We had this happen and after calling around, we found that it was best to call animal control for the area you live in. They know what to do and it happens more often than you think. The probability of the bird living if you keep it is very slim. Let the people who have experience with it take care of the bird.

  2. Keep the baby warm, away from other animals.  Offer it water from your finger and mix up a very small amt of baby bird formula. It should be very thin and lukewarm. May need to try and feed it from your fingers. Do not feed it from a syringe unless you are familiar how to do this. It is easy for a bird to aspirate and it would die in your hands. Good Luck.

  3. bulid a at home nest use blankets and find lots of water and worms it helps the bird but if u put the bird back into the nest after you fing it dont the mom will kill it cuz a human touched it

  4. If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest. Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched. If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival. Also, keep in mind, it is illegal for you to try and raise this bird on your own. Look for a rehab here:

    This site has listings across the US..I am sure there is something near you. If not, contact your local US Fish and Wildlife, animal control or a local vet that may know of other rehabs in your area.

  5. I know that with baby crows, a 'country boy' told me what they would do for them, would get some little pieces of bread and soak them in milk and feed them that...just make sure to soak the bread real good and not over feed the bird too fast.

    You may want to call a vets office too, they may be able to help you, or at least give you better tips, or they may be able to take care of it...just don't let the baby bird get too cold or wet. If you have a hot water botttle, you may want to warm it up and put the bird on it (put a towel over the hot water bottle so the bird doesn't p**p everywhere. Good luck!

    Also, you gotta watch out about calling animal control, a lot of times all they do is kill the animal!!

  6. Just keep it warm, this is really important and feed it every couple of hours. Have you an eyedropper for water?

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