
Okies - Im Irish nd 16 and wanna be vegetarian ..plz help, its mainly 4 humanitarian and animal mercy reasons!

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OKies can someone give me pointers and do's and donts ... plz ... my family is not very accomadationg to help me ...

it would help if you could list a lot of possible foods under the following headers ...





Thanks please try to be as helpful and as informative as possible, peace out ppl ^^!!!^^!

Oh PS ..... one more thing

Please also suggest several sources of food under the following headers:











  1. hey :)


    people are saying tofu & quarn

    stay away from them!!

    they are processed rubbish!

    Vitamin c - Fruit contains loads of it

    Protein - Yogarts, & eggs are like 100% protein,cheese

    iron- Lettuce,brocilli,spinach

    Breakfast - anything really toast,cereal with fruit juice

    Lunch- vegetable soup

    Dinner- Salads, potatoes, pizza, pasta

    Snacks- fruit, & loads of sweets are veggie

    stay away from jelly things!

    goodluckhunnie :) xx

  2. Healthy suggestions:

    Breakfast: Breakfast cereal, toast and soy yogurt/fruit

    Lunch: tofu & bean sandwiche & smoothie.

    Snacks- ANY fruit, I love blueberries as a snack.

    Naughty snack (allow yourself a naughty snack per day)- chocolate (whichever choc you prefer, but not too much!)

    Vitamin c- Found in fresh fruit and veg. Smoothies are full of vitamin c

    Calcium- tofu, almonds, green leafy veg (if you it this, dairy)

    Vitamin D- Sunlight/Natural light is all you need. Summertime provides you with a full year's worth of vitamin D!

    Protein- Beans (even baked beans!), tofu, nuts, seeds (pumpkin seeds are VERY healthy), soy milk & if you eat it, dairy.

    Iron- Fortified breakfast cereals, wholegrains and nuts.

    Hope this helps! =)

  3. Go to a Nutritionist they will help you balance your diet change

  4. breakfast- cereal hot or cold ; high in fiber and vitamins

    lunch- toast n' peanut butter with fruit or chips

    ramen noodles with add in's such as veggies, onions, mushrooms, spinich is great add in

    dinner- veggie spagetti (yummi) with zuccini, carrots, ext.

    and garlic toast

    snack- fresh fruit with cream cheese dip, or apples with caramel dip or veggies with spinich dip or stawberries with chocolate dip, all are good in vitamins!

  5. Please do include dairy products in your diet, remember, the cow does not have to die to share some of it's milk. Most cows make more than enough milk to feed 2 calves, yet they usually only give birth to one, so it's not a problem for them to share.

    B.  Yogurt, fruit, toast

    L. Salad or cooked veggies, cheese, fruit, roll or bread

    D. Beans w/ cheese, brown rice, vegetables

    snacks: fruit, veggie sticks, nuts, cheese. popcorn, etc. stay away from processed junk food, like cookies, soda pop, fries, white bread, etc.

    vitamin C: citrus fruits, potatoes

    calcium: dairy products, leafy greens like spinach, chard, kale, mustard greens, etc.

    vitamin D: dairy products, and sunshine, also supplements

    protein: daity products, soy, beans, nuts

    iron: raisins, dates

    vitamin A: carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yams

    if you include all these foods, you will get all the nutrients you need.

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