
Okkay, im going on a cruise . and im okay with the cruise. but im scared of flying.. re assure me?

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  1. I went on a cruise in March and had to fly to Miami to get on the boat- I hate flying. I have panic disorder so I had to have medication (sedatives) prescribed to me so I could calm down and get through the flight. I don't recommend this though because everyone on the plane thought I was drunk hah.

    I'm assuming you are just scared of flying and don't have panic disorder. In that case, just do calming breathing routines when you start getting nervous or scared. Also, listen to music and read a magazine while you are on there to stop yourself from thinking about the flight.

  2. I used to be scared to fly but I flew into London and saw all those different airlines and never heard of any of them crashing.  Also, a pilot friend reassured me that they didn't want to die either and did I think they would fly if they had any doubt of safety.  A great perspective.

    Listening to music with earphones, reading a fast magazine like People, or another distraction helps. Concentrate on something else but where you are.

    Some people I know take a valium or a few drinks, but ccould make you act wierd and woozy.

    Have fun on your cruise.  I love that form of travel (Never thought I would) Just completed my sixth in two years. When I hear of a cheap rat e, I just hop on a plane and go.  Were I afraid of flying like before, I would miss out on alot of fun.

    There is the old cliche that you have a greater chance of an accident on the way to the airport than on the plane;  But it has always bothered me that as you take-off the last thing you see is "Terminal." :):)

    Bon voyage.

  3. Well, you shouldn't be scared about it. It's supposed to be statistically the safest way to travel. I usually read a book or try to sleep to pass the time. One thing you could do would be to choose a subject that you've always wanted to learn about (Hypnotism, Gardening, Cooking..ect.), and get a book or information on it for the flight. You can both take your mind off the flight and better yourself at the same time!

  4. Before you go, take 3 or 4 Valium with a big glass of wine.

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