
Ok!so,im 20,f from asia. & am goin to study in london..gonna stay there for like 2 years. can u guys tell me?

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how's it like living in london? culture? everything about london? people? food? cost of living? working there? etc...pls give me insights!!! that would be a great help for kinda scared living in a foreign be away from my family is a lot of sacrifice on my part, i not used living by myself. although im goin to london with my close friends, still im not used living without my parents . ='( im sooooo gonna miss my family, really..but this time i need to learn how to be independent, i suppose. im a very nice girl, and kind, i just wish that everything will be fine when i get to london.

your comments would be a great help for me. thank you very much people ^_^ i hope everything goes well for all of you =) god bless everyone =)




  1. You say you're Asian but don't give us a country - but it's no problem! There will be a community from your country in London. Over 100 languages are spoken here and you're bound to find other from your country. However, living in London is EXTREMELY expensive - think wisely about coming here because it's not going to get cheaper soon - we might be heading towards a recession.

  2. You are going to have one of the most life changing experiences of your life in this city!

    When I first moved there I was totally overwhelmed by the amount of people & noise-but thats because I came from little old New Zealand :-)

    Once I found a flat (use Gumtree website-it rocks) and friends and a job I found my confidence again. This is when I was brave enough to explore all the exciting, wild and entertaining hot spots hiding around London.

    No matter what you're interests are-there's bound to be a niche with similar people passionate about the same things, there in London.

    Its ok to feel nervous, I think everyone always does. Its a fairly intimidating place.

    Just know that there are many people like yourself who chose to leave their home country and family, in order to seek adventure and see the world! The comprimise is definitely worth it!

    Check out some of the links on this website below.

    And remember, always watch your wallet & Oyster Card. Pick-pockets are EXPERTS around the city centre!!!

  3. There's plenty of culture. Free museums and galleries for example. Free concerts in Trafalgar Square quite often. The people keep to themselves quite a lot. We lead busy lives and are a bit self-absorbed. We aren't rude though. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends at university/college though. You can find cuisine from any country you care to name, either restaurants or ingredients you can buy and make yourself. Cost of living is shockingly high, sorry. Rent, bills, food, everything. That's true of most of the UK though, not just London. There are plenty of jobs in shops or restaurants. If you are qualified in something specific, you might be able to get a job in that field as well. There's no reason why you won't have a good time and be welcomed.

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