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Who has ever been on the Oktoberfest in Munich (Germany)?

How were your impressions?




  1. I go there every year and it is fantastic!!!

    There is nothing even remotely comparable to the atmophere.

    Anyhow, you shouldn't go alone, but with a group of friends, because there are people at the Oktoberfest you definitely don't want to get to know and in a group of friends its much easier to avoid these troubel makers.

  2. I'm orig. from Germany.

    We went with school to the Octoberfest!

    I loved it! The atmosphere, the beer, the people and the rides... it was very big...

    My mom is from that area. She said in Baveria you will not sit alone for long...they include you and make you their friend...Hey, that was'll love it!

  3. Lots of people, lots of noise, signing etc. and most of all lots of beer. If you like such an atmosphere its for you. Remember to book early a hotel as hotels get full long before the fest.

  4. I went this year. It is a really good time if you are able to talk your way into a table. The food was awesome, the rides were great and there is so much to see. I especially enjoyed the grassy-nole of rejects! I would recommend it if you are into loud, smokey, over crowded halls, and mass quantities of beer.

  5. I guess it is one of those places everyone wants to see.  My opinion is save your money and see Munich another time.  If you don't get to the festgrounds before 11am you can pretty much cancel your idea of getting into a beer tent.   It has become a major tourist trap and overfilled.  There are so many other fests in Germany that are better in my opinion.  


    Bad Durkheim wine fest

    Not to mention thousands of small weinfests from Koblenz to Heidelberg

  6. Everyone should do it once. Nuff said.....Oh yeh, book everything NOW.

  7. One big tourist trap. Lots of drunk sick people, crowded as h**l. No beer unless you have a seat in a beer tent and you better be there real early if you want one. One time is enough. You want to go to a real German beer fest? The Berg Kirschwei in Erlangen, Germany (about 2 hours drive north from Müchen) at the end of May beginning of June (depends on when Easter is) is a must. It is the oldest beer fest in Germany. It's in the woods on a hill side not in the middle of a friggen parking lot like the October fest. Another good one is the Anna Fest in Forchheim, Germany (about 15min. further north from Erlangen) This one is the best, smaller than the Berg Kirschwei, located on a hill in the middle of the woods. Both these fests last 12 days.
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