
Old 35mm Cameras, worth anything?

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i still have my old canon EOS 500n and lots of lenses in good condition and a compact olympus that i dont really want to sell as i would get next to nothing for them anyway, but do you think that one day they might be worth something as antiques? All my best photos where taken on my old cameras.




  1. If its an olympus mju, keep in your jacket pocket, great wee lenses, waterresisitant, handy for snapshots etc.

    keep the canon gear, it still has a digital life.  You wouldn't get anything worthwhile for the body, so keep it for the odd time you might want to use film.

    Digital is here to stay, but film isn't dead.  Many togs use both as they suit different applications (if you go to a wedding pop a roll of fuji reala in the 500, digital can't come close) if you are shooting a sports match then use a digital as you can review shots there and then and overshoot like mad to get the few precious shots.

    Horses for courses.

  2. Your EOS mount lenses can be used on the Canon DSLR cameras.

    I'd probably keep the Canon and lenses and continue using them.

  3. I've actually bought a Canon Elan and Elan IIe recently on eBay.  Both were purchased for about $30 - $40 including shipping.  These were bodies only.  The Rebel probably won't fetch quite as much.

    The EOS lenses are compatible with the Canon Digital SLRs and hold their value better.  You can probably sell those for a pretty decent amount depending on the lens brand and quality.

    35mm point and shoots are practically worthless.  Even brand new ones (old stock) with very big zooms run maybe $40.  Used ones with shorter zooms may not even sell.

  4. David C, digital is here to stay. Go back to day dreaming. In a few years you'll have to search hard to find a shop that does film development.

    I suggest the OP to keep the cameras. They aren't worth anything in the market, and you might as well keep it to remind you from time to time what it was like to use film cameras.

  5. I still use 35mm exclusively & so do many other people. This digital craze is just a passing fad; believe me.

  6. yea go on ebay trust me it will sell good

  7. keep the canon lens and camera......  I take both digital and film pict.  but all Canon :)

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