
Old Camera and New!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a canon PowerShotA540 with 4X optical Zoom and 6.0 megapixels in great condition...i bought it about two years ago for over $200(i dont know exact price)...i am on 15yr old's budget and so im hopin to sell this camera and then buy a new one(sleeker and or better features) for $180-$250...

i wuld like to know

whether my camera is worth selling, if so where

wat new camera u suggest

and possible where to get it

note: i am willing to buy a refurbished camera...and maybe even used in great condition if it gets me a better camera/price




  1. Sure sell it if you must to finance your next camera purchase, but it's considered a great point-and-shoot. I might wanna hang on to it.  

    Take a look at the links below and see the great pictures you can take from a Canon PowerShot. The cameras on those pages are pretty much the same as the one you have.


    great Canon at $250

    great Canon at $200

    your camera is worth selling-but not for a large amount of money. i sold my old cameras a) to a friend who wanted a camera but didn't have a lot of extra cash, and b) on ebay (kind of cliche, but I did sell it!) they can be great for back up though....

    you can get canon cameras at places like Best Buy, Future Shop, etc. or I bought a camera for my sister on ebay (i know i know-cliche) and I got a great camera!

  3. Look at the Canon A-620 or something in the Canon A series. They are good camera's and the controlls will be similar to your A-540.

    The problem with the ultra thin camera's is they have to make compromises in order to make them so slim. If your A-540 is in very good shape it is worth $85 tops. You may want to keep it as a back up.Also the A-620 uses the same batteries AA and memory card so you won't have to buy them again.
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