
Old Sat Score vs. New?

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I recently bought The High School Doctor which is a book that tells you the requirements you need to meet to apply. Some colleges you need a 1450, or a 1300, or a 1440 which is the old Sat out of 1600 and I will be taking the new SAT this January which is out of 2400. Please help me out because i would like to know what i would need to get into these schools. I also have a question about GPA which some of these schools need a 3.8 or a 3.7 or a 3.75 and i have a unwieghted gpa of 93. Thank you




  1. When you get your score in January you will be getting 3 separate scores out of 800. So if you want the old score conversion you just add up the math section and the critical reading section. Just forget about the writing

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