
Old School Discipline and good/bad parenting?

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'A man who was arrested and cautioned for slapping his 13-year-old daughter across the face fears he will no longer be able to work with children.'

My parents (god bless their souls' were the most loving, caring and easy-going parents you could imagine - however, if either myself or my sisters were really out of line - then of course we should expect a slap - or even a visit from the local bobby to tell us how bad we were, and how lucky we were to live in such a nice home (not for anything serious by today's standards at all!)

however - how are we expected to teach kids right from wrong? (even little kids, i'd smake my 4 year old if i thought she was going to do something bad - like play with a cooker, or run out into the road..) what am supposed to do when she's a teen?

what do you think?




  1. when you hit a child don't you think that's telling your child to use violence and they could grow up to be violent to their partners. you just tell them off, no need for smacking especially in the face. it would be humiliating for a teenager and bad for kids.

  2. It is not a crime to give your child a smack, it is a crime if that smack is so hard it has left behind a mark. Did the dad who was cautioned mark his 13 year old when he was cautioned?  

    There are many more effective ways of disciplining children, I have on occasions smacked my children when they were naughty, but I have found as they have started getting older this method does not stop them repeating the behaviour. However if I was to prevent them doing something that they enjoy ( computer, playstation, Wii or ban youth club) this would prevent them from repeating the same naughty behaviour.  

  3. i do have to agree that a slap round the face is a bit harsh but i also agree in smacking a child when needs be, at the end of the day it never done me any harm if anything it taught me to behave and have respect, people wonder why children these days have asbos and stuff, does anyone think it could be due to the lack of punishment and the fact that we are not allowed to discipline our children anymore? because i do, you see some kids as young as 7 running a muck and gobbing off to their parents and doing as they please, now if that was me when i was younger i would have got a good smack before i went to far and therefore will do the same with my children,  

  4. There's a difference between smacking a child and hitting them, a slap in the face is taking things too far. I would give my child a little smack across the leg if they were not listening whem I'm telling them off and they were putting themselves in danger like going for the cooker trying to grab a glass, run off etc. Its not a hard smack and wouldn't leave a mark, when they're little for dangerous situations I'd do this and just general disipline put them in a time out.

    If you are firm but loving from a young age your children will grow up to respect you. I was smacked when I was little but don't remember as I knew quickly to listen if I was told off.

    When I was a teenager I got grounded or no pocket money, and the whole 'I'm so dissapointed in you' speech always made me feel really guilty.

    I can see why they try to put these laws in place as there are people who are violent to their children which is wrong but I think they should try and single out these people and not dictate to society as a whole how to raise their children.

  5. Sadly there are idiots out there who cant seem to get parenting down.  I said would spank my child only when its truely necessary and not b/c I was mad and lost my temper.  Theres a differece....some parents lose their temper and slap their teenager in the face...its a little out of line to slap anyone in the face.  I do hate that a lot of ppl are trying to pass laws against spanking.  Nothing wrong with a good ole fashioned spanking when needed!  I think grounding hurts a 13 year old worse than a slap!

  6. I have nothing against parents who smack their children but a smack on the face is too far

    I use smacking as a last resort with my children, taking away their favourite toy etc usually works better but I wouldn't dare EVER hit them on their face

  7. I didn't read the article, but I believe that government has made things illegal due to those who have not used them correctly.

    Good parents using disapline in the correct manner are limited in thier choices due to parents and people who have taken disapline too far-into abuse.

    Disapline your child in a firm and loving manner and it'll be fine.

  8. There are a million other ways to discipline a child other then hitting them. Once you begin to hit your child, they have control of you. Hitting them proves to them that you have lost control of your actions and of them, which will never work.

    How is hitting them teaching them kindness and love?

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