
Old Testament Kings?

by Guest31908  |  earlier

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How were the kings of the Old Testament Israelites chosen? Where there any of these kings that governed the people with a tyrannical rule? How did God deal with these kings?




  1. God chose the original Israelite king,which was King Saul.But Saul disobeyed God and God chose David to take his place.After that,it remained in the next one down in the same family(Oldest son) but God allowed it to work differently at time to get in the king He wanted at times.God did punish those tyrants that became kings.Some died violent deaths.Some were killed by their own kin.

  2. Interesting question.

    Different ways really.

    Some inherited the position.

    Some were chose by Prophets of God.

    Some were "annointed" into the position by the High Priests.

    Remember Samuel annioted David to be King over King Saul in Judah.

    Yes, some were bad rules.

    Some were good rules that turned into bad rules.

    See the King Saul / David situation.

    Also, a lot of the Kings in the Old Testament were FORIEGN kings, that had different the Pharohs or Babylonians.


    Historically we can go back to the Kings of Ancient Israel and Judah with King Jeroboam I in 928-906 BC.

    The time of King David was between 1000 - 967 BC

    King Saul reigned between 1047 BC - 1007 BC & is identified in the Books of Samuel, 1 Chronicles and the Qur'an as the first king of the ancient Kingdom of Israel.

    The kings of Israel are descendents of Jeroboam, the first king of the northern ten tribes.

    The kings of Judah are descendents of King David and Solomon.
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