
Old World War II photo?

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Recently my granparents past away and I was looking through old photo albums. Mostly old pictures of my great grandparents, grandparents and father in funny german clothing doing silly german things. I came across a remarkable photograph that is unmistakably Adolf Hitler in an armored car on a battlefield. This must hold some value as it is, to my knowledge, a one of a kind photograph. Anyone got any idea????




  1. If you were correct in your assumption, then yes, it certainly has value to it.  

    Your best option is to take it to a professional historian and/or archivist at a University or Museum.  They would be able to help you date the photo, as well as give you a rough estimate to its monetary value.

  2. The photo has a high historical value.

    A good rule of thumb is -- an item is worth what someone else is willing pay for it.

    Where did your Grandfather serve during WWII? (American? ... German?)

    Here is my husband's website for the World War 2 - 445th Bombardment Group - they flew B-24's out of England during 1943 - 1945.  

    My father-in-law served in the same bomb group as Jimmy Steward.

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