
Old analogue tv's (uk only)?

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Does anyone know if there is any recycling centres for the millions of unwanted/unusable analogue tv's, or are we expected to throw them in the rubbish skips?




  1. if you contact your local council the will tell were

  2. Yeah!!! It seems the Eco mentalists haven't got around to that one yet.

    Our Government is telling us all to suck up the price increases in petrol, heating oil and gas as its good for the environment. When they force the digital switch over, tens of MILLIONS of televisions will be dumped. There are LOADS out there that aren't worth the price of the free-view box.

    Watch the Government spin that BS out on television.  They will probably use the same tack as Heathrow's third runway.

    xx VP

  3. Guess you Morons don't realise that all you do is what someone above me said and stick a freeview box on them - Does noone check their facts on here?

  4. Yep, thtas where most will end up. Ill conceived plan as usual.

  5. You don't need to throw your analogue tv away. You can buy a freeview box and plug it into your tv's scart port.

  6. There's a number of options here

    You could check out your local council's website by checking what they accept to recycle, and many newly installed recycling areas are taking old analog tv's and scrapping their valuable materials for other uses.

    Yes the best thing to do would be recycling the tv, if you are thinking of disposing it, but if your television is in good running order and condition, there is no need to throw away.

    Charity shops also accept old tv's, such as the salvation army and oxfam.

    And if your keeping the tv, freeview is highly recommended as it stores many channels and is future proof and resistant against the soon to come digital switchover.

    Hope the information helps.

    niall a.

  7. You can't stick almost anything in the rubbish anymore if it works on electricity and this includes battery operated toys. This is because of WEEE rules that came in in 2006.However there are certain exemptions:

    I presume you are a consumer rather than a distributor, in which case your local council should by now (!) have a scheme set up to deal with WEEE. Some local councils have started charging to use it, principally because they are greedy grasping gits, so give them a ring first.

    You don't have to junk your analogue telly, and particularly not if you are already running Sky on it. In the latter case you need to do precisely nothing. If you want Freeview, which is digital TV, add a box to it. You may or may not need a new aerial depending on where you get your pictures from; big transmitters such as Crystal Palace and Emley Moor are remaining same group transmitters as are some others, some subs are going to a different aerial group or wideband. Contact a local dealer in your area for more details as most of them are right on the ball.

    If you want to know more about WEEE, it's here:

  8. you can take them to most recycling centres now, they are still useful for kids rooms though dvd players and games colsoles etc

  9. why throw them out - stick a freeview box/sky box on them and you have digital

    "For some people, switching can be as easy as connecting their existing TV to a Freeview box. Others may want a greater choice of channels so they may choose a subscription service such as Sky, Virgin Media, or TopUp TV." -


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