
Old but Never Use Bindings Cannot be Installed by Ski Shop. Why?

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A friend gave me a set of old (may be 7~8 years old) bindings and skis that were never used nor installed. I took them to a couple of ski shops and tried to have them installed but both said it was illegal for them to install the bindings once they past a certan age. Illegal?? By government law? or by manufacturer who wants to sell more bindings? The biddings are usually very sturdy and can be kept for many years. I have been skiing on another set of skis and bindings for over 20 years (on and off) and they are still going strong. So I can't see the concern of these old but never used bindings can be a safety issue. Anyone knows the real answers?




  1. The problem is one of certification of the quality. Aircraft parts which are reused all contain, have a pedigree, which shows proof of quality and workmanship at the time of manufacture and the history is traceable back to the point of origin. They are "certified" to be of a certain verifiable quality. Your bindings do not have this which is why your shop will not do the work. Since they can not guarantee the pedigree, they would be liable if an accident occurred. No reputable manufacturer will install old parts (even if "new") without a pedigree of the parts concerned otherwise they would be liable instead of the original manufacturer in the event of an accident where the failed part is at fault.

  2. It's all about the liability. If you get cozy with the ski shop manager he may let you borrow the correct jig and you could do it yourself. I mount all of my own stuff. If I don't have the right jig, I usually can get one off of the ski shop. But, I know the guys there and I've been mounting my own stuff since '96.

  3. Hey Allen,  SkiMan here.  Your question about old bindings and  prospective that you are skiing on a set of 20 year old skis.  I have been skiing for 40 years and I could tell you that I could strap skis on my feet with no bindings and I would be fine.  But the truth of the matter is that the industry has advanced with technology.  Ski bindings improve every year for safety and performance.  As far as a ski shop installing your old bindings on a set of skis, you have to understand they are liable for their profession as well as your safety. You can install those old bindings on a set of skis and I am sure they will work fine.  My question is, why would you want to???

  4. It's an insurance and liability issue for the ski shops and the binding manufacturers.  If an out of compliance binding is installed, the shop could become liable for any injury from the binding failing to act properly. Premature release or failure to release can lead to an injury.  The shop and the binding manufacturer could be held liable for the injury.

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