
Old cat with claws out?

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My 13 year old moggie has started walking funny like his back legs are weak and wobbly. Also he can't seem to retract his claws and they are hanging out all the time. He is his normal self otherwise.

Do you think he has had some kind of stroke or something? We have a vets appointment in a couple of days anyway but i just wondered what you guys thought!





  1. For an older cat with these signs I would be concerned with possible cancer in the spinal cord, diabetes can sometimes result in hindlimb weakness (usually you will also see a voracious appetite with weight loss), or a cerebrovascular insult (stroke) is possible. Another dz called myasthenia gravis can result in weakness.

    Your vet will probably want to run bloodwork and check the urine for glucose as well as radiographs of the spine. They may want to check her thyroid level as well.

    In addition, older cats tend not to scratch/groom as much - and the nails grow longer. Usually the back nails are more effected.

  2. Is there anyway that you can make the vet appointment earlier to make him feel more comfortable? Keep him calm and relaxed. Don't give him any stress. It sounds like he might have cancer in his legs...He's had a good life...


  3. It might be a stroke (though I personally don't think so), or it might be that he has a blood clot against his spine that's effecting his back legs. Your vet should be able to find out.

    Good luck!

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