
Old civilizations and some stumbles to modernization?

by Guest59475  |  earlier

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Im just curious on other peoples thoughts here.. so best A is most complete :D

Im woundering why 'abirigines' or 'abiriginals',

the native people of the non-known world that is..

aztec, american indians, canadian indians, eskimo, hawaian,

australias abirigonals, all these pockets of people were so far behind europe/mideast/asia...we have pictures and drawings, something inferior to writting, telling us what happened, this when when europe/asia were making huge ships, and guns, mastered swords, cannons and the like.

Writting first showed up in the 'known world' with cuniform, which was sumerian i believe? the oldest known civilization we have unearthed.. but they have records!

Now these abirigine people, still worshiped water, sky and animals when we met them. Like the spanish litterly annexing the aztec, or the brits to north america, and than continued by america... This 'more contact/more nation tension' seems to push how fast we move forward.. war, etc.. why?




  1. It's hard to say why they were not as developed as the rest of the world, but structures like Machu Piccu and Great Zimbabwe demonstrate a lot of them were advanced, just in a completely different way.

  2. I just read a book on the subject. I posted a review of it on my blog. If you are really interested I can recomend it to you because it gives you the exact complete answer to your question. That is if you believe in getting answer just of one source.


  3. There is no direction to 'development'; it's just change.  Cultures develop their methods in ways that work best in their local environment.  Just because the Western environment has a lot of artifacts of "modernity" doesn't mean it's at a higher level.

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