
Old gf what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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so i went out with this girl about a year ago and we went out for 6 months and we broke up because it we didnt have time to make the relationship work. but i regret it to this day breaking up. shes now with someone for about the same amount of time. my friend recently talked to her and she said that when she told her i still liked her she smiled. so it sounds like theres feelings there still. my question is how do i go about seeing if she likes me? or do i have to get stay friends and just wait?




  1. stay friends with her and just wait. you cant come between her and her guy now.  if she really likes you and knows you are ready to go out with her again she will find a way herself to get out of the relationship. this makes you look great cause you didnt pressure her to get out of the relationship.

  2. hah no just play it kewl...ask her to hang out wit u and a bunch of frinds bowling er the movies!!! if u go to the movies sit next to her(as a friend) and send her a text say "hey ur hogging the arm rest :]"  er go to the bowling alley and between frames challeng her to  a game in the game room to get away from the crowd :]
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