
Old guy going Airborne needs help -?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 32 and getting a little stiffer with age. I processed at MEPS three days ago and am shipping out in less than 3 weeks for infantry and airborne training. I can meet all the basic physical requirements, and have started a pretty tough exercise program that consists of running, sit-ups and push-ups in all the quantity I can handle. What else can I do to prepare my body for what's coming?




  1.  Work on getting your shins strong, alot of people get cycled out because off stress fractures in airborne.

    Run every other day. Lift 3x a week fullbody for two weeks then start running everyday.

    Do some rucking too (hiking with 20-30lbs) once or twice a week. Worst part of infantry (doing 12mile rucks with 95lb rucks) dont go too hard (start once a week, 20 lbs 5mile ruck) because they start easy in BCT and rucking is the common way of hurting your back and shins. I used to run every day, then i started rucking twice a week and I got shin splints cuz i took it too fast. 

    Dont worry, Airborne PT is a joke. If you can pass the requirements, your good. Just listen and your going to be okay.



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