
Old habits die hard?

by  |  earlier

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or do they? what do you think?

habits are better to be broken over time, or quickly.

im not talking ab smoking. so please dont answer in reference to that issue; its obnoxious. kthx




  1. Habits can be change easely if it is noy inculuded in any ones nature Nature can not be change it is God gifted ,but habits can be change because it  is created by won I have seen lots of examples iether it was a bad habit or good habits

  2. Yeah but bruce willis dies harder!! lol

  3. breaking a habit actually takes time. If you look at the psychological and physiological view, you can see that the brain creats neurons that make you act the way you do. to break a habit the brain has to shut down the old neuron passage and create a new one that says, the habit not longer exists. This process takes time.

  4. What in the h**l is "ab smoking"? Like smoking some abs?

  5. It takes 3 weeks to make a new habit, so I think it must take 3 weeks to make a new habit of not doing the other habit.

  6. i think once you become really concious of your habits it bothers you when you do them. so you make it a habit to steer away from them.

    lets say you sniffle alot....and then someone sais its anoying. everytime you feel like sniffling your ALWAYS gonna rememer someone saying how anoying it is and not do it.

  7. depends how you like it..

  8. It probably depends on the habit, and the person. For me, big changes are hard to make at once, and being overambitious usually means I give up after awhile. This seems to be the case for a lot of other people, too (hello, New Year's resolutions...). But for small ones, it's not worth the trouble of taking baby steps, really.
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