
Old japanese woman found in wardrobe?

by Guest61636  |  earlier

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If you found a little old japanese woman living in your wardrobe, what would you do ?




  1. Ha ha ha I read about that incident, hilarious! Funny how they said she may have been doing it in other wardrobes in other houses. Awww... he put up cameras and saw her mooching about etc... I bet she was glad when he went to work everyday and could out and stretch her legs. How unintrusive is that lifestyle. Funny, really funny.

  2. Help her out and look after her and ask her to teach me japanese culture ^^

  3. oh shes been in there for years lol , dont worry about it

  4. lol. I'd say it's the wrong wardrobe for Narnia!

  5. Kick her out.

  6. charge her rent

  7. I would keep her,when visitors arrive I would sit her on the mantlepiece .When I go shopping I would put her in my pocket.

  8. erm... i would help her out and then go google a translator and ask what on earth was she doing in there and if i could help in anyway?

  9. Make her cook for me for the rest of her life!

  10. I know kind of hard to believe, huh?  The news said she even took a shower every day, while the owner of the house was gone.


    Random as f*ck.... but brilliant none the less!!

    Well done.

    I'd bow to her and say "BONZAI!"

    .... and then close the door.

  12. i'd shut the door, check i'd put my contact lenses in properly and then if she was still there, I'd run like h**l..........

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