
Old money in good condition?

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any one knows how much there worth?

alll in good conditon


1969c C07804337 A

1990 D05627206 A

1977 G19500287 A

1969a F03530880 A

1977 B87956592 A

1985 K17607684 A

1974 L42307500 A

1963a B06957518 A

1977 L13864374 A

1977 B86608530 A

1977 B75690031 A

1986 D03635857 A

1974 K14056141 A

1974 B70585228 A

1974 B93752766 A

1990 L53892164 A

1986 B39223212 E

1990 D06001517 A

here some 20$

1934 G10273133 A

1934 K09261202 A

1986a E22298498 B

1969b G02171039 C

1934 E19495258 A

1980 F01343854 A

1993 F02830934 *

1988a H39454259 A

10$ dollar bill

1950a J451025417 A

1950 J59517942 A

1950a F98795598 A

1934a G17128258 D

1950a B13636005 F

5$ bill

red cericate 1963 A18440364 A

bule cericate 1934d R34026770 A

1934 F04970300 A

2$ bill

red cericate 1963a A15527251 A

1976 H00182365*

1976 F00584344*

1$ bill

bule cericate 1935E M84197199 H

bule cericate1957 V36842878 A

bule cericate1935B k16052127 D

bule cericate 1957A L48692129




  1. Money, like any other collectable is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.  Silver certificates are worth more, especially if they have the star before the seriel number instead of the letter.

    Take them into a coin/currency shop and get an estimate or look up similar bills on ebay and see what people are paying for them.

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