
Old money makes a fool of new money. Discuss.....?

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Think the Queen; buckingham palace crumbling buildings in need of repair whereas footballers with all their fancy big houses with 15 cars outside the door and all the latest gadgets and swimming pools etc. Neville with his initials carved in all his furniture etc. Kind of makes them look daft dont u think???




  1. Richard T i am so pleased you have an unbiased view.

    I will not metion to you the decimation of native americans or cotton slavery.

  2. The people with the really serious money aren't so stupid as to wave it in the faces of the poor.  It's called stealth wealth and you will rarely see them.  They fly in private jets and stay in exclusive hotels.  Their homes are not covered in gilt, but are well designed and tastefully in keeping with their surroundings.  They don't wear bling and they certainly don't have their initials carved into their new furniture - buying new is synonymous with the noveau riche.  

    The royals, however, are in a funny position.  While they are in once sense, the top of the tree, they are forced into a position of celebrity these days and made to live their lives in public.  I do not envy them thier money for the price they pay for it.

  3. they are daft

  4. I dislike old money...........the current holders did nothing to earn it and in royalty..their anchient relatives murdered  any competition for power....

    Also. I hate the English.they were responsible for the death of 4,000,000 Irish.......

    If the US didn't win the revolutionalry war....They would have done the same to the U.S.

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