
Old people who smell pishy?

by  |  earlier

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I totally respect old yins who keep themselves smart and tidy, keep up to date with latest news and trends, have fun and are fun to be with, I have a few fab pals who fit this description, so why, WHY, do some oldies spoil everything by being mingers and so smell of pee, and are just generally disgusting.I'm talking about ones who are NOT senile, so have they just been mingers all of their lives, what do you think?




  1. So do you, why pick on them.

  2. I've crossed a few young folks smelling of pish and other foulness, so it's not just an old yins thing.:-)

    Anyway, older folks have the right to smell of pish if they so desire, I'm sure they've earned the right.

  3. You don't have to be senile to have a weak bladder, and muscles that don't move well.  Many times, my Mom had to go right now, and her legs and back refused to let her move quickly enough.  She didn't feel that she had the money to spend on adult diapers, and so she used overnight style pads, not made for urine.

    Not her fault.  She always started out all clean and bathed.  Just was not able to stay that way all the time,

  4. I'd prefer that smell than the overpowering smell of cheap make-up, perfume and deodorant I get from groups of young females going on a night out.

    You're older today than you were yesterday missy and every human is only on the way from infancy to old age. You're not a different species you know!

  5. must admit, my grandad  is starting to smell of  cat p**s of late lol........................................

  6. doesnt keep me awake at night. if they wanna smell let them smell lol

    and remember some of these pissy smelly people fought wars for you.

  7. well my young friend i used to feel alot like u ~~~hummmm it was not too awful many years i seen my own parents start to slip slide away and not for one moment would either of them EVER have had wanted to have that smell u refer to ~~~as u age things drop the urge to be able to hold your urine begins to fail and its totally degrading to them ~~~now u r young u sound pretty wise but as the days and years apss by u 2 shall understand how age has a way of making us loose some of the simply basic everyday life all my best to u and u sound real smart and have commen sense  

  8. P**s  off   We olders are OK    .  Not mingers but full of life and go    

  9. some young people are like that too!

  10. Wait til you get old and bits of you start to fall off and fail, and your mind begins to wander and get fuzzy. It's later than you think.

  11. They most probably have problems a lot of old people lose their sense of smell and so do not know they have a problem. Imagine if you couldn't smell you would probably stink! Also they may struggle to bathe or shower if they are weak and a lot of old people are too proud too ask for help or have nobody willing to help them.

  12. My mother was a little smelly before she went into a nursing home and it was not her fault that in spite of trying she could not clean herself in the way she had done all her life and was to embarassed to let younger people help her. In the nursing home she had the facilities and help and it did not happen any more.


  13. They smell like that because they have become incontinent with old age.  I hope it happens to you when you're old and I hope some little rat comes up to you and calls you a minger.

  14. Can´t you find anything else to ask as opposed to slagging off old people? I respect old people period, i think they´ve reached a point in their lives where they deserve a bit more than your comments.

  15. Maybe they need someone to take care of them.  Would you volunteer?

  16. Hi there, I worked as a nurse in elderly care for some time.  You may find that as you age bladder control and bowel control weakens, especially in women, due to child birth and menopause.  Also deterioration of the nervous system may cause dribbling.  Many men have prostate problems, I think about 1 in 3, which is particularly common in mature men.  The prostate, a gland at the base of the p***s enlarges.  This makes urinating difficult and the bladder doesn't empty fully.  This can cause dribblin sometimes.  Other reason for a scruffy or smelly presentation many be due to illnesses such as arthritis which will make even washing in the basen, let alone in bath tub, difficult. Many men have relied on their wifes to look after them and before that their mother.  Now widowed and alone they may find chores like cleaning the house and laundry just unnatural.  I have an elderly neighbour who instead of washing his pillow cases would just put a new one over the old one.  My other neighbour occasionally does some cleaning for him and told me he had at least a years supply of pillowcase underneath the clean ones.  The old ones will literaly brown with dirt.  

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