
Old songs??? That I shouldnt know ?? Pleaze ANSWER!! 10 points!?

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Is this a paranormal past life memory ??? I always here these songs on way back play back that were on before I was born and they only have 20 seconds the rest was lost and I know the words etc.. My mom is like that songs 50 years old how do you know it ? what do you think??




  1. The same thing happens to me.  And I finally foun d out how it happened one day.  I have very wierd dreams.  In most of them I am somewhere else and usually some other time.  And sometimes...say I go into a club in 1944.. I was born in 1994, and I will here a song playing, like  discontinued song that nobody has heard, like a band that had all their albums burned before they were sold, and I will wake up and be humming that song for about a day (after a few days I forget it) and then people are freaking out and asking me where I heard that song, especially when I volunteer at the nursing home, people will just freak at me.  It sorta got on my nerves, by I got over it

  2. Music and lyrics are always recycled.

    Chances are, you have heard it before.

    A lot of artists use parts of other musicians music.

    Rhianna uses the catchy part of Soft Cell's Tainted Love.

    Vanilla Ice used Freddie Mercury's & David Bowies' Under Pressure.

    The list goes on..........

  3. i think you heard it somewhere randomly in a store radio or something, and just don't remember. it's happened to me b4. i hear my friends or some random person singing a song or humming a tune, and find myself humming it 5 days later and i dont remember how i picked it up lol.

  4. OMG! That is such a  coincidence, I know all the words to Led Zeppelin songs and sometimes I hear them in my head and on the radio!!!!!! Did I mention I was born in 1981!!!! Wow, it is soooooo weird! The paranormal, such odd situations.

  5. You may not remember hearing them before, but if you know the words and melody then you have.  Or perhaps you've heard covers or songs that have sampled these songs.

  6. it could be! i have had this happen to me before, i had ( not a dream exactly) but like memories of being in a old mansion from back in the 1800's, and my brother was there too only he did'nt look like himself but i knew it was him! anyway i was taking care of about 7 kids and 1 of them was murdered, and when i had this i guess you would call it a flash back it was like a do over, cuz i  remember something behind me that was talking through me as i was talking to the person who murdered the child and it said something totally different then what i remembered saying and we were not harmed! im not sure what all this stuff means, but i know that it happens! i have had so many things like this happen, scary things too that i could write a book about it!

  7. your brain doesnt need you to be aware/conscious of things to learn and store them to memory. you must have heard the songs somewhere b4 and they stuck because  of another beautiful thing...the human brain loves patterns and distinguishes patterned noises /sounds as a beat, melody or such- try rhyming your studies, you will recall them easier and w less effort - like a familiar aroma that conjures old memories--effortless--also you may be a  naturally musically inclined/ sensitive person- enjoy it - subconscious learning- similar to hypnosis--dont think this is paranormal- unless you know a song that hasnt been written yet--but you know the words-- happy listening

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