
Old wives tales - boy or girl? Just for fun :)?

by  |  earlier

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I am 10 weeks pregnant, and by old wives tales what would you guess I am having?

Morning nausea, evening nausea

Food aversions - sweets

Food cravings - Pasta - lasagna, spaghetti, raviolli etc.

Weight gain - None

Inches gained - 3 around stomach only

Father of baby has not gained any weight - actually he's lost weight!

So what do you think?




  1. actually i'm odd i guess based on personallity of parents rather than symptoms with people i know i'm right about 3/4 of the time with those i don't about half the time. i have to guess a boy.

  2. girl






    make you tell us boy or girl

  3. Well with the aversion to sweets and the cravings for carbs old wives tales would say you're having a boy 'cause they're supposed to be bigger.

    I must note that in my experiences girls tend to be bigger.

  4. I think girl!

  5. i think its a baby girl for you

  6. I haven't had any nausea and I'm having a boy so I'm saying you're having a girl. :) Good luck and congratulations!!!

  7. I think girl

  8. i'm undecided now.

    the nausea suggests girl.

    the savoury pasta cravings suggests boy.

    the no weight gain suggests boy.

    must be twins. one of each.


  9. I am just guessing its a girl!

    I had very bad nausea with all my 3 pregnancys, 2 girls and 30 weeks pregnant with a boy.

    Congrats and good luck.

  10. Naw...all that is alien to my experience.

    I had NO morning sicknes (3 times), I craved popcorn (1), peanut butter (2), and EVERYTHING (3).

    No aversions, huge weight gain, father stayed same.

    Carried 2 high and one low...all of them were boys.

    Old wive's tales are silly!

  11. It's totally based on your attitude if you're being more bitchy (sorry if that word offends you) then you're prolly having a girl LOL that's always been my way of telling and I haven't been wrong yet!

  12. Boy!

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