
Old world encounters by jerry Bentley it would be huge help- anyone read this- plz help answer questions- 10p?

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I have to read this mega hard book: Old World Encounters by Jerry Bentley. Please help with these questions- I would be so grateful, you'd get 10 points and whoever answers these question correctly and most I will answer all their questions and give stars! ANSWER IN YOU HAVE READ THIS- THIS IS FOR AP HISTORY

1. What is Jerry Bentley's thesis?

2. According to Bentley's book, what does the term conversion mean?

3. What are the three Patterns of cultural conversion that Bentley discusses?

4. What pre-modern group were the key instigators of voluntary conversion?

5. How did the Silk Road lead to conversion?

6. Whose alphabet is the foundation of the western alphabet?

7. Where did Buddhism originally develop?

8. What were the causes of Chinese resistance to Buddhism?

9. What were the means by which Buddhism spread to China?

10. In what ways is Christianity syncretistic to Roman religion?

11. Why are Charlemagne and the Frankish kingdom important to the spread of Christianity?

12. What was the main way that Christianity and Islam spread?

13. What group were predominantly followers of Zoroastrianism?

14. What is the significance of the Silk Road?

15. Distinguish between Mahayana Buddhism and Hinyana Buddhism?

16. According to Bentley, what were the reasons for cross cultural exchange?

17. What was the main way that early Islam spread?

18. What is the difference between syncretism and assimilation?

19. In what ways were the Tang, the Sui, the Frankish Kingdoms, and the Islamic Empires similar?

20. What is the major difference between the spread of Buddhism and the spread of Islam?

21. According to Bentley, what happens to a culture where people convert due to political, economic, or social pressure rather than a real desire to convert?

22. According to Bentley, what was the major cause of the spread of early Christianity?

23. What was the jizya?

24. What effect did long distance trade have on the kingdoms and people during the period 600-1000 CE?

Thank you so much for all your helps.

Anyone who tries to be mean and funny and write stupid answers- know this I read the book- I just do not know how to put in neatly and organized so answer these questions neatly and clearly- thank you SOOOOOO much! :)




  1. hahah;

    i have this class.

    & i had this same study guide.

    do you live in the south?

  2. 20) the major differece is that islam spread out because of the messenger of ALLAH and budhism spread because of people who made dummy to pray...

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