
Older cat spayed?

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all my life we've never had any of our animals fixed. its how my parents where raised, you just didnt it. now that im older, and they dont make my desisions for me, i want to get my cat spayed. thing is shes 9 yrs old (has had a lot of kittens), and im worried that being spayed could hurt her (ive been told that cats get fat easily when spayed) . she is a house cat now, but sometimes she gets out and i know that having more kittens isnt good for her(or the kittens). if i have her spayed, i dont really want to put her one a diet cause shes always eaten what she wants, and i think if i hold back now it could put stress on her. she is my baby and i just want whats best for her.




  1. You should get her spayed. It's not harmful for her to be spayed at this age. If you feed your cat appropriately, then she will not get fat. My cat was spayed years ago, and she weighs 10 pounds. Getting a cat fixed will not make it gain weight.

  2. Spaying her now won't harm her in any way. As far as the food situation. You could cut down a little on her portions and make her play more.

  3. My kitty is 9 as well and has had a lot of kittens. The surgery lasted a little longer because everything was all stretch out . Sadly she was allegic to her pain medication, but extra love and quiet time she got through it all with no complications. She is much happier now and she is normal size without changing her diet. I have a two year old kitty that helps keep her active. Your kitty should not have any problems with the surgery or gaining a lot of weight if she is active. Good luck.

  4. Just give her a little less food and take her for walks but the best thing to do is get spayed.

  5. You can talk to your vet about your concerns over weight gain prior to her surgery; but personally, I wouldn't worry about that aspect of things in her life.  While your to be commended for being concerned about her weight after spaying, at 9 years of age, and after all the kittens you are saying she's had I would let her live "the good life" and just do anything that makes her happy.  We have several cats in our family and we free feed them.  I am convinced that "weight issues" among them are as predisposed based on their genetics as I believe that some humans are just predisposed to being heavy for genetic reasons.

    Doesn't mean that we shouldn't watch what we eat, but if your not loading your spayed cat up on a bunch of junk food and feeding her a sound diet I don't think you'll ever have to worry about her getting "fat" at this age.  She may fill out, and become a little saggy around the middle, but that is quite common among all altered cats both male and female.

    Good for you that you are going to do this for your cat.  I'm sure she will come through the surgery fine, and if your concerned about the effects of the anesthesia then discuss that with your vet before surgery.  

    Good Luck!
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