
Older generation - how do you cope being the older generation. I mean without your folks, other loved ones ?

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etc? I am 32 and today I am just having a really lousy day (not like me normally I am so cheery!) and as daft as it sounds, the thought of being older (not the older but the other things that come with it) and not having my folks, the world having changed radically, knowing more people dead than living etc etc all really scares me.

I just wondered how older people cope with these inevitable stages of life? Especially in a society where age is not respected and all your experience is not always appreciated?




  1. I understand your feelings. When I was 32 turning 50 scared the c**p out of me. But this year I turned fifty and its great. I get to spoil and spend the time with my grandchildren that I didnt get to do while raising my own kids. I have so much time to do the things I didnt have the time or the money before. Lots and lots of me time and me and hubby time. As far as losing the people you love, I have the closest relationship Ive ever had with my dad because I treasure and appreciate every moment we have together.  Yes you may get a little slower as you get older but you also start to see the world with new eyes. Im having the time of my life. Im more relaxed and in touch with myself then I ever was in my thirties. And the people in my life dead and living are more precious to me then ever.

  2. There are many more ways of dying inside,losing those you love is just one.

  3. Age really is just a number.  If you keep a positive outlook and never stop trying to learn and see new and different things you can keep your life exciting to you.  The pain of lost loved one can be painful and life without them is often lonely but even younger generation members feel pain and are lonely at times.  I suppose what I want to tell you is that life is life  I am 56 hopefully not as old as you were directing this question but I find life goes on in the same way.  The things you have to do change, I no longer need to think about school or homework for myself or my children because they are now grown.  I continue to do the things I always enjoyed and have learned that  we can live very full and very happy lives even if we spend a lot of time alone.  Old friends linger and those now gone remain in memory but in learning and doing new things new friends come into your life.  They do not replace the old but they are the friends of now.  If you keep you mind and heart in the now you can live happily at any age, if that is what you want to do.

  4. old age is difficult to handle I agree. but you are 32, dont

    start worrying about 60. Live your life today, today is

    present, yesterday past, tomorrow is dream. Live the life

    of today. do your duties and enjoy life reasonably.

    Thinking about life after another 30 years is not wise.

    Present is valuable, live it up.


  5. we act like we cant drive and p**s people off

  6. Happy Birthday Smiley. Being old is great, no more work. Seen it all before so nothing much frightens me. Sad when friends die 3 of my friends have died in their 50s. Lovely to have the grandchildren then send them home. Time to stop and watch the flowers grow, go on answers or read a book. Planted lots of veg this morning. As you get older you can always make new friends, lots of clubs to join,. Don't care if my experience is not appreciated, each generation must learn their own lessons. We will be getting a fuel allowance at Christmas, yippee, will spend it on gin and wrap a blanket around my toes. Don't be scared grow old disgracefully like me. xx

  7. I really understand your question, I used to wonder that myself. I know the answer now that I am sixty. Life evolves, it is ever changing and one cannot stop it, life and death is just a natural cycle. Yes it is hard losing the ones you love but, of course, we have a lot more lovely memories at this age which helps.It sounds very banal now but when younger I absolutely loved to dance and I worried that when I got older I would not be able to dance like I did, I need not have worried because, thank goodness, I don't want to dance as much!!! As for my experience well, in my family it is appreciated hence I am always baby sitting for several of my 10 grandchildred as I brought my 4 up on my own, my kids seem to think I know it all!!!!!! Keeping young inside is a must, I manage to do that but it gives one more of a shock when one looks in the mirror. LOL. So worry not my dear, and enjoy your birthday

  8. With age comes wisdom.  Small irritations are insignificant. Our experience taught us we can't always have our way so we have to look at aging and dying as another step in life. But we have also learned to enjoy things that at one time we were too busy to enjoy. One thing that has helped me is getting into genealogy. Just looking at my ancestry brings them back to life and I am just a part of a chain.

  9. living day to day

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