
Older or Younger. which do u usually date?

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Older or Younger. which do u usually date?




  1. I don't have a preference, and have dated women younger and older than me, but usually I end up dating girls a few years (3-5 years) younger than me..

    It's just how it seems to work out..  

  2. I'm 42 and I like guys who are about 3-8 years younger than me.

  3. Older.  I prefer substantially older as most guys in their early to mid twenties have a mentality and maturity rate comparable to that of the 3 year old I take care of.  Find me a guy that doesn't thats in that age range, and I'll give you a cookie.

  4. Younger. I'm too old to date anyone older. I don't like pushing wheelchairs.  LOL

  5. Well since i am married and if I werent it would be older. I love an older man and LOL i married one older.. 1 year duh...

  6. Older, for some reason I seem to attract them.

  7. Younger, not as a rule though.

  8. older or younger it really doesn't make a difference

  9. Older

  10. Younger. Though It's never been my intention to date younger guys as a "preference".

    I've always looked younger than my age. So the majority of guys asking me out have usually been much younger. I essentially just gave up hoping/waiting/looking to meet men closer to my own age or slightly older. Also the men my age now, are usually divorced/looking for a mother for their kids. Or going through their mid-life crisis and looking for just a fling etc... Too much baggage for my head to deal with. So younger guys are now the better option in my opinion.

  11. (almost) always older

  12. I'm not fussy, although I DO try to date within my own species.


  13. I only date people born the exact same instant as me.

  14. prefer older, but have dated a few younger and found I liked it more than i thought I would.

  15. age is irelevent to me except that they are of  age, legally

  16. Older. Always have dated older men. Usually 10 years or more.

  17. Younger,I have never dated or been with any one my age.  

  18. I married an older woman.  Smart move as far as I'm concerned.  On the down side, my dating days are over.   Sigh.

  19. younger

  20. Date? I'm going to Google this new term and I'll get back to you.

  21. Mostly older however, one lover was 7 years junior, OMG he was just fantastic!!!!  We had amazing chemistry....

  22. youuuunger:[

    my bf is 6 months younger than i

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