
Oldest, Youngest, Middle or Only Child?

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how many children are there in your family, and which position do you hold?? how do you think that affects who you become?? Does being an only child make you more selfish? Does being the oldest make you more responsible?


for a good laugh, check out this youtube video

it's my favorite, and i think it's so funny, so i just like to share it with everyone




  1. Four kids in my family, and I am the oldest.  Obviously there are exceptions to these rules, but in general I have found that oldest children are more mature and responsible.  This is definitely the case with me because I had to help with the younger siblings a lot when I was younger and babysit my baby brother and sisters when I was nine.  That definitely makes you a different person because you have to rise the occasion and set a good example.  

    Only children are not always more selfish per se but they do tend to be more opinionated and need more alone time in relationships, etc.  It makes sense because they were used to getting their own way and had to often entertain themselves.  It's all in what you get used to:)

  2. There are 3 children in my household(well my older sister just went to college), and I hold the youngest position. I think that it's great because I can talk to my 2 older sisters about anything!! They are the greatest!! Also I learn from their mistakes and we are so close. I love being the youngest.

    Oldest sis-18

    Middle sis-17


  3. I'm an only, I don't think it has made me or would make another child more selfish. But then it also depends on how they were raised. We didn't have a lot of money, so I didn't get the things I wanted. I know I had to find ways to keep myself entertained since I had no one to play with.  

  4. There are 3 children in my family.

    I'm the oldest.

    Being the oldest provides you more responsibility and if you have too young bro or sis you feel like a parent.

    If you're in the middle,you feel closer to your little bro or sis and more logical.

    As a youngest you try to come closer to the oldest and you're the happiest one.

    An only child feels lonesome without bros or sis' but also selfish a lot (I have a friend).

  5. Only child :) There is three people in my family when I live at my Moms, and three people when I live at my Dad's.  Yes, I think being an only makes you a little bit more selfish then other kids because you are never without and you never have to share.  But you also become much more mature faster and get along well with adults. Sometimes I even see only children sharing BETTER with other kids then children with siblings. I know I would love more then anything in the world to have a little brother or sister.

    Oh and that video was actully kinda funny :p

  6. I am one of two children to my parents. I am, however, the eldest. I have a younger brother.

    I don't like my role. I feel in some ways I matured mentally quicker than I maybe would have normally. Whereas my brother is still being babied at thirteen.

    Because my brother is the youngest child, it is almost as if my parents (my mum in particular) are clinging on to his childhood. I have been ironing since I was like eleven, I still have to iron my brother's school clothes.

    Okay, I'm just ranting now. I just always wished I had an older brother or sister to look after and give attention to me. Even though I know I'm being silly, I still feel like my parents favour my brother.

    Shonny x*x.

  7. there are 4 children in my family. I hold the 2 oldest, it affects me because i have to be responsible and take care of my brothers. Yes being an only child make u spoiled and yes selfish, Supposedly being the oldest is suppose to make u more responsible but that doesn't mean u are. ha ha. the utube video was so funny ha ha, thanks for that I needed a good laugh.

  8. there are 2 kids in my house, and i'm the oldest.  i don't know, i think being the oldest makes you more likely to rebel because your parents expect more from you. i'm 15 and my little sister is 11, and i feel like my parents are putting so much pressure on me sometimes and it makes me want to do something bad just to get attention.  *sighs*  but that's how life is, i can't change a d**n thing.

  9. 5 people in my house

    my mom n dad

    brother and sister

    im the youngest

    it affects me or whatever

    cause im more spoild

    and selfish

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