
Olympic Games.??? Waste of money??

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Is it just me or does anyone else think that spending money on sport is a waste of money? I personally hate sport and can't believe we spend so much money on this when we have starving countries and so many other necessary things we could be using the billions for...??




  1. **I think you bring up a good point.  They make such a big deal and do spend millions of dollars on the whole event when it only lasts for two weeks.  I hate to think of the amount of money they spend on all the entertainment like the fireworks etc and I think that's just a waste of money.  They spend millions on them and it's over within a couple of hours.

    I agree with you that this money could be better spent on starving counties and other more necessary things.**

  2. i wouldn't travel half way accross the world to see a race from one view in a stadium surrounded by shouting deafening people when i could watch it from home, clear air, from 20 angles

    so yes, i do think paying money for sport is useless

  3. i so agree!

  4. Yes your absolutely right did you know that the actors and actresses in hollywood have enough money to cure world poverty? So why don't they?

  5. it put china on the map, as if we did not know before where china is.

  6. Waste of money on whose part?  The money spent by people who go to visit the games or money spent on organizing the games? I assume you are referring to both.

    I would have said this is a waste of money if we did not have other more wasteful public activities.

    - The value of food wasted per year in an average developed country exceeds the cost of olympics.

    - Money spent on smoke, alcohol and drugs is WAY more than the cost of olympics.

    - Parades, fashion shows, festivals etc they all involve loads of money and I am sure depending on personal interests a lot of people consider them a waste of money too.

    - The money spent on competing to build the worlds tallest buildings; tampering with nature and claiming land in the sea to build luxury islands and 7 star hotels - that is a waste not an architectural feat.

    The list of unimportant things the world spends on could be endless.

    Olympics hold an importance of their own for the country hosting them, it has political connotations, developing countries such as India and China take great pride in being able to host the olympics, they prepare for years and upgrade their cities' infrastructure for the huge influx of visitors which obviously leads to a lot of development in the country. You do not like sport but Olympics are the ultimate platform for the worlds best sportsmen to demonstrate their talent and that itself justifies why olympics should be held.

    What I would love to find out is who keeps the money which people pay for olympic tickets, I am sure it doesn't go to the country organizing the games.

    As for the starving countries, money isn't their biggest problem, most starving countries have wealth and resources but they are in the hands of political rulers who exploit everything in the country. I know this from being born in a third world country.

  7. you cant really hate on how much is spent on the games.

    the fact is that politics is the real reason there are starving countries.  See how much money is being spent on other things that some consider even more frivolus than sports.

    then there is the american consumer. if each one gave up a tank of gasoline a year and donated the money...i bet there would be enough to feed all the world's hungry for years!!!!! now imagine giving away what we pay for a movie, or a CD...

    we cant judge what is spent on the games.


  8. for china yes !!!

    china wants everyone over the world knows chinese power by taking part olympic games in beijing .But for sure It's wast of money cuz we all know China still has a lot of problems !!!

  9. If you comparing the money has spent on weapons and military, you would find that the money for the Game is nothing. In fact, business man got more opportunities to earn back those money.

    The spirit of the Game is worth for us to praise of. The Game also emphasis on peace and achieve peace by non-violent competition.

    Unless you are terrorists, you shouldn't oppose the Game.

  10. Though I see the point you are making, the same could be said of the football world cup. It is a way of bringing Nations together to compete on the sports field, isn't that better than competing on the battle field. I agree there is far too much money spent, particularly on the opening and closing ceremonies.

    The Games should be made much smaller by dropping sports that in my opinion are not consistent with the Olympic ideal. Team sports like football, and sports that require a mechanical devise, such as cycling, should be out. Track and field events, gymnastics and boxing left in.

  11. Competing against someone where physical fitness plays a part has a positive effect on  many people. The new big health threat is obesity.

  12. yes i do think its a waste of money plus its boring

  13. It Depeneds...I'd Never pay for the olympic in my life!

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