
Olympic Judging???????????????

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does anybody else find that the judging in the olympics(gymnastics) is very unfair? i know the judges arent as experienced as they should be but the judging really isnt fair. it seems like anytime the americans do something incredible they get a low score, and anytime the chinese mess up they get a high score. I have nothing against the chinese gymnastics team, but it seems like they always come out on top when they do bad!

For Example: when alicia sacremone was on vault and she took 2 steps she got a lower score than she was supposed to, then one girl from the chinese team does vault, FALLS, and gets a higher score??!!!





  1. OMG I totally agree my Fockey team was literally talking about that this morning! It's crazy! And unfair. I mean same I have nothing against the Chinese but if the Americans did a flawless routine and the Chinese mess up the winner would seem obvious and yet the Chinese still win. my coach joked about the two that tied, gosh what were there names..., and how the chinese girl won she said that there must be some "secret classified" rule that if you tie with the host country the host country wins! ;) she was jk though! But still it's not very fair! They work so hard and look so elegant they deserve some gollllddddd

  2. you go tell those judges that they dont know **** and u should be the chief judge at 2012 olympic gymnastics, just so this tragedy doesnt happen again. whichever athlete u like the best will win the gold, followed by the best looking and shortest athletes for silver and bronze respectively  

  3. The judges are no where near experienced enough to deal w/ these such advanced routines. They probably feel that they have to give the chinese better scores so the fans in the stands will like them more. (home field advantage)

  4. lol well life's not fair. the judges are only human after all and they do get pressure from the crowds and where they're at at the moment, so not everything is going to be perfectly fair

  5. I was thinking the same. It seems China and it's bordering countries et top marks and others get really low. I'm British and the same was happening to our team. A commentator actually once said, if Russia (they got high scores in one of the gymnastics things, and they're also china's neighbour) were competing anywhere else they'd be getting ripped to shreds. You think gymnastics was bad though, you should've seen the boxing. We had a world champion ex-boxer commentating for us on one of the matches and even he said it was absolutely disusting the way they gave points.

    It makes me feel quite angry because it's just like Eurovision. I know that's a silly thing to compare it to but it's true. All these sad little countries group together and kind of "gang up" if you like on others. It's quite petty really but just think about it this way; in London 2012 China will have nowhere near as many medals as they do now.

    And notice as well, how many Chinese athletes do you see winning track + field/rowing or any other event that doesn't need judging for that matter? Next to nothing!

    The crowd can also have a lot to do with it. They're mainly chinese so obviously there's going to be a lot of cheering when their team comes up, which in turn, effects what the the judges do, because they're getting caught up in the whole atmosphere. Quite pathetic really. But like I said, don't worry, it's happening to other countries too.

  6. In non-judged events, the US leads the medal count.

  7. The judges probably aren't the brightest, but I'm glad you have nothing against the Chinese Team. They can't help their scoring, And it's not like the judges are all Chinese. So I thank you for not blaming the madness on the Chinese team, government or people.

  8. Yup. Fencing was ridiculous, too. At least Phelps kicked their @ss in swimming.

  9. i totally agree with u. like seriously china is really good and evreything but there mistakes r sort of just overlooked or sumthing, they ike get higher scores like no matter wat and thatts not fair. And Nastia was totally better last nite. Watever about the tie breaking thing which was totally 2 but in the end nastia did perform better than the chinese liukin or sumthin else and that part is wat matters  

  10. they are dump and stupid because they get too much money from Chinese government and eat too much Chinese food.

  11. thats bull thats what it is

  12. i know what you mean!!! the chinese's team has some falls and trip and some how nastia and that other girl are tied!! and all of the sudden the gold is given to the chinese girls and nastia gets silver!!! btw you should be sorry for asking this question. how can someone falls flat in their face can get a medal!!!

  13. Difficulty also plays a role. And the rules stipulate that judges must not be from the same country as anyone competing on that event, so the judges are from countries without great competitors/programs so they are inexperienced.

  14. It's called . . .PAY OFFS!

    It was even on the NEWS!

  15. Cheng Fei has a higher START VALUE - giving her more room to make errors and score higher.

    Cheng fei = 6.50 first vault + 6.50 2nd vault

    Alicia = 6.3 first vault + 5.8 2nd vault

    STOP with the sour grapes everybody.

    Cheng Fei's more difficult vaults and higher risk prevailed over Alicia's very safe routines.

  16. Ok for one thing, the rest of the world is just about ready to shun the americans because your all getting so annoying with these question, for another the chineese hardly ever mess up, they hae more difficulty and almost never mess up compared to the US. And there is nothign wrong with the judges, just becasue NBC the most biased channel in the world says so, doesnt mean its true.  THe judges are from all voer the world, why would they favor china,, so give it up

  17. My personal opinion is that its rigged... I know that I am not a judge nor even really looked at the rules for judging but I am not stupid... Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin have been doing so much better then the chinese have. I see more faults in the chinese but yet they still are making it on the top.... just seems rigged... and the way they do tie breakers... What kind of reasoning is that? Can't they do something that uses statistics and numbers and not with just taking scores out....  



  19. No nation can judge in an event where their athletes are participating in and the judges chosen for an event is a random process. So in order for China to "bribe" the judges, they would have to "bribe" every single judge from every nation in order to ensure that their athlete wins every gold in every men's gymnastics event (China is currently 5 for 5).

    As for the women's gymnastics tie breaker, here is how the tie was broken:

    Originally, the scores are determined by adding the difficulty with the execution scores given by various judges with the 2 lowest and the highest execution scores dropped. By this process, the two girls tied exactly with the same difficulty score of 7.7.

    To break the tie, the Olympics guidelines (which was already agreed upon by all participating nations before the games have started) said to include the second lowest score of both athletes into the scoring process. By doing this He's second lowest score was a 9.1 and Liukin's second lowest was a 9.0 which makes He's average higher by the thousandth point giving her the gold.

  20. Yeah I know! And most of the girls on the Chinese Gymnastics team aren't even 16 yet! They look like they're 11 or something!!

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