
Olympic Volleyball Uniform Question

by Guest57437  |  earlier

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So, I'm watching the women's volleyball at the Beijing Olympics, and I figured this would be a good time to get a question answered I've always had.

Why do the six-man volleyball teams have one player on the floor with a different color uniform? Is that player a captain or something, or do rules allow him/her to do things that other players aren't allowed to do?




  1. It's a position called libero. The libero is a designated back-row player and generally the most skilled defensive player on the team. Not allowed to serve or block.

    The color of the libero's uniform must contrast from the color of her teammates uniforms, and the shorts must be the same as her teammates.

  2. They're NOT the captian.  They're special defensive players with special rules


    Each team has the option to register one specialised defensive player, "Libero" among the final list of 12 players for the whole tournament.

    The specific rules for a Libero player are as follows:

    A) He/she is restricted to performing as a back row player and has no right at all to complete an attack hit when the ball is above the height of the top of the net.

    B) The Libero may not serve, block or attempt to block.

    C) The Libero must wear a different colour shirt from the other members of the team.

    D) Substitutions involving a Libero are not counted as regular and their number is unlimited. A Libero cannot take part in normal substitutions and may only enter or leave the game while the ball is out of play and before the whistle for service.

    E) It is necessary to have a rally between replacement of two different players involving a Libero. With the previous approval of the first referee, an injured Libero may be substituted during the match by any registered player within the normal line-up list of the score sheet.

    G) The designated replacement of a Libero will be limited to performing as a Libero for the rest of the match and the subsequent matches. Nevertheless, this player will be allowed to be registered again in the normal line-up of later matches once the initially registered Libero is officially re-instituted.

    H) No other player will be authorised to perform as a Libero and in the case of further injury of the originally registerd Libero, he/she will be replaced by the same player under the same conditions as stated in previous points.

  4. The Team captain wears a different color soccer they wear a yellow or blue stripe on their arm,in baseball they wear a "c" on their chest

  5. They are called the Libero, and MUST be less than 5' 5"...... this is kind of like an anti-discrimination position in volleyball.  It was introduced by New York Mayor Ed Koch in 1986 to enable Puerto Ricans to participate in high school and college volleyball.

  6. labereo which means they only play back row and they cannot cross the ten foot line they are averagley the best defensive player on the team

  7. Its a special position called libero. basically they play all of back row.

  8. the person in the different colored shirt is the libero and there there to switch into watever position they are neede in the back row.... so they have to be reeeely good

  9. the different colored uniform means she is the captain of the team. it doesn't give her any advantage, because she is just another member of team.

  10. It's the libero. they are like a defensive specialist. Their job is to only play the back row.

    It is not like they are team captain. It is a position.

    Here is information from wikipedia.

    "The Libero

    In 1998 the libero player was introduced internationally, the term meaning free in Italian is pronounced LEE-beh-ro (rather than lih-BEAR-oh); the NCAA introduced the libero in 2002.[15] The libero is a player specialized in defensive skills: the libero must wear a contrasting jersey color from his or her teammates and cannot block or attack the ball when it is entirely above net height. When the ball is not in play, the libero can replace any back-row player, without prior notice to the officials. This replacement does not count against the substitution limit each team is allowed per set, although the libero may be replaced only by the player whom they replaced. The libero may function as a setter only under certain restrictions. If she/he makes an overhand set, she/he must be standing behind (and not stepping on) the 3-meter line; otherwise, the ball cannot be attacked above the net in front of the 3-meter line. An underhand pass is allowed from any part of the court.

    The libero is, generally, the most skilled defensive player on the team. There is also a libero tracking sheet, where the referees or officiating team must keep track of who the libero subs in and out for. There may only be one libero per set (game), although there may be a different libero in the beginning of any new set (game).

    Furthermore, a libero is not allowed to serve, according to international rules, with the exception of the NCAA women's volleyball games, where a 2004 rule change allows the libero to serve, but only in a specific rotation. That is, the libero can only serve for one person, not for all of the people for whom she goes in. That rule change was also applied to high school play soon after."


    The libero specializes in the back row as a defense player. They're the ones who dive and dig to get the ball to the setter to set up the offense. Mostly all liberos wear a different color jersey than the rest of their team members.

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