
Olympic gymnastics are rigged, yes or no?

by Guest60973  |  earlier

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watching the past couple days or gymnastics, you cant miss the fact that it seems the USA athletes keep getting screwed over in favor of the chinese althletes...whats your opinion, i need to know its just not me thinking its biased.




  1. It's not just you. I just asked a question about it too because it's so blatant. Like they don't even care how obvious it looks. If the 2012 Olympics are like this too I will just quit watching. I don't care to watch the evolution of the sport of cheating.  

  2. Nastia clearly won the uneven bars, and those Chinese girls were not 16.  

  3. Of course not... I love seeing a twelve year old win the gold. Why didn't they just give the Chinese the gold medals before the events even started.

    They definitely aren't going to get any in track and  

  4. yes it is rigged thats all i can say

  5. =]

  6. for real!

  7. I totally agree with you

    nastia has been poorly jugged

    so has alicia

    its unfair

    and come on

    Those chinese girls are not 16!

  8. chinese gymnastics is cheated . look at them ! or stare at them ! do they look like 16 to u ? GEEZ!

  9. My friend, the answer to you question is yes, the American gymnast got screwed big time by putting little girls in the competition. The Chinese have lied to the IOC and IFG and put this little school aged kids in the Olympics.

    Good luck

  10. Those Chinese girls aren't 16.  

  11. the judging leaves room for inexperienced judges and favoring and no way are those chinese gymnasts 16 this year they look 9

  12. I have answered about 100000000 questions on the same thing already but thanks for the points.  If there was an Olympics for whinging yanks USA would win hands down.  USA would take Gold, Silver and Bronze in all events.  

  13. I don't think it's rigged; just incompetent.

    Re: Below- what's a "whinging yank?"  Ha ha!

  14. No, because the Chinese athletes were the better gymnasts in that competition.

    Also, some of it being that the scoring system doesn't work out that well. But the 10-point system was very faulty was well.

  15. yeah b/c those judges were paid off by the chinesse goverment

  16. the gymnastics are rigged because all the Chinese people want is to be the best and make sure they look good in front of the whole world since they are hosting the Olympics. and yes the Chinese gymnasts are under 16 for sure and the Chinese government definatley did something to allow them to compete

  17. No it's not rigged, the judges are just completely biased towards the Americans and love the Chinese.

    1.  The tiebreaker was ridiculous, the Chinese girl won because she had a lower score, and her routine wasn't as good as Nastia's.

    2.  Alicia was screwed on the vault.  The Chinese didn't even land, therefore she should not get her start value because she didn't do the whole trick.

    3.  The Chinese girls were NOT sixteen!

  18. What about tonight, when Nastia clearly performed her routine with less errors, yet ended up ranked second behind the Chinese girl, despite both girls having the same start value and the same final score? That clearly shows bias.  The "tie breaking" procedure, too, is very flawed.  You start each score by throwing out the top and bottom individual scores for each gymnast, then when a tie resuts, you look to the next lowest score to break it.  But the problem with this is that resorting to the next lowest score means that the overall execution of the routine ends up being ignored in favor of an individual judge's score who may or may not have noticed errors and deducted for them (see next comment about inexperience).  Not only that, but there's also the fact that none of the judges on a panel can be from a gymnast's home country, so therefore the open seat is often filled by a judge who is  inexperienced, since those fill-ins who do end up on the panel end up being from countries whose teams have never produced medalists.

  19. i think it's biased too...i understand that some chinese athletes are just plain better, but when they aren't they deserve to get a lower score than those that do well...but it's not really women's all-around, nastia and shawn did fantastic and got marked down for i don't even know, while the chinese girls fell and stumbled and messed up and only got a bit lower...even though nastia and shawn got gold and silver...there have been places where it hasn't worked out quite as well...

  20. i was just watching the uneven parallel bars and i got so mad.

    i almost cried for her, its so upsetting, i swear china is cheating

    I was googling about the age of the chinese gymnists, and there has been listing of them being only 14

  21. **** yeah we are getting screwed that one girl fell on her vault landing and still beat Alicia Sacromone thats bull. Nastia so should have won gold on uneven bars. Those Chinese people are cheating. And if you need proof look at there gymnast there under age. They still have missing teeth. I don't even follow gymnastics and I was pissed when Nastia was given silver.

  22. I have been noticing the exact same thing. The Chinese athletes always get high scores, even if they really messed up in their routine! One day I was watching Chinese girl doing vaulting. She landed on her knees and still got a 16.5! It's ridiculous how much they are favored. Nastia Liukin had the same thing happen to her tonight. She got beat out by Chinese girl even though Nastia had a better routine. I felt horrible for her!

    (No way are the Chinese gymnasts 16!)

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