
Olympic judging system

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i personally hate the judging system they have in the olympics right now. If you guys dont know how it works, 5 judges press a button when they think a punch was landed and if 3/5 press the button within the second the punch counts.

each punch that counts the fighter gets a point. the fighter with the most points at the end of the fight wins.

i just saw raushee warren vs. the dude from south korea, both boxers were great and i m not taking anything away from the south korean fighter but the scoring was very inaccurate on both sides. points were scored for the other person in a clinch, when someone fell, when no punches were thrown

this makes me furious, what do you guys think?




  1. haha i just saw this same fight and i 100 percent agree. I mean these guys train for years for this and it just gets thrown out the window cause of this crappy judging system/ judges. I just don't get it!!!

  2. yeah,its rediculous,i havent seen any of this years olympic boxing but have seen fights with system in use , one fighter may appear to dominating but if the judges arent pushing their buttons together hes not awarded points,and the judges have different vantage points and some may not see landed punches ,where another can.

  3. Whoever invented the "point system" in boxing must be a geek.

  4. A young British fighter was knocked out of the competition by a Chinese fighter 17-7 in the first round of competition if you watch the fight every time the Chinese fighter gets remotely near the Brit he scores a point it was ridiculous, the Olympic system of scoring and for most amateur boxing is open firstly to different interpretations and secondly to cheating. Who will ever forget Roy Jones Jr against the Korean fighter in Seoul. There has to be a better way to score the bouts fairly.

    I must say it also works the other way as well, i watched a Chinese Heavyweight in with a Ukrainian who was completely in a different league to him, the judges seemed to not be scoring a lot of the Ukrainians shots and by the end of the fight the Chinese fighter didn't know what day it was if the judges were scoring the fight properly the fight would of been stopped on the outclassed rule much earlier and stopped the fighter taking such a beating.

  5. You're not the only one upset! Sounds like Teddy Atlas and the other announcer are pretty dumbfounded as well! How about the point Warren was given for the Korean fighter tripping him? If this judging system isn't taken away, Olympic Boxing might as well not even take place. I have noticed that a few of the judges are Asians and wouldn't you know it.....all the Asian fighters are winning! Hmmm.....seem pretty fishy to you? Does to me!
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