
Olympic question? Why do men make such terrible synchronized swimmers? And what is so wrong with .....?

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with blue eye shadow?




  1. Women are great, well at least they do great in some sports that men don't.

  2. Men just can't see the point of synchronized swimming....'s hilarious to watch, but pointless.....

    Blue eye shadow makes the wearer look like the loser in a boxing match.

  3. Synchronized swimming is a joke. How that  banal stupidity became an Olympic event is beyond me. Might as well have farting as an event. Or belching.  

  4. how many males do you know that like to dance well not that many. they only dance with their girlfriends lol so i do not think water would make it any different. however you do get an occasional male who does like things l ike that and it can be quit refreshing.

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