
Olympic torch passing through your country, your views on this and on Olympics in China?

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Do you protest in solidarity with Tibetans or your views?




  1. China should never have been awarded the Olympics in the first place. And as for the Olympic torch passing through our countries, well, it's all propoganda, isn't it? The promotion of world peace my a***!

    China is a country that has "death vans" patrolling the countryside, to execute people who they class as criminals

    Yeah, China really is an appropriate country to host the Olympic Games.

    I protest against the Chinese regime full stop. Not just because of Tibet, but because their atrocious human rights record.

  2. i think its terrible what the Chinese did to Tibet and they v  just built an up to the minute rail link from china to Tibet ,so dosnt look like there gonna give it up

    plus there got     NUKES so no body's gonna mess with them on a military level


  3. who wtached it , only security gaurds

  4. i would want to say that the china goverment should give the rights to tibet and what is wrong if the tibetans are doing so ...did the we the indians not fight back against GB or did the usa just stop and wait for the revolution so if china want to stay out of international controversies then they need to understand that this is the 21st century.

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