
Olympics 2008 - Closing Ceremony, Handing over to London 2012 was it rubbish?

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people standing at a flipping bus stop!

beckham why is he a Olympic british ambassador he isn't an athlete, he doesn't even live or work in great Britain why was he picked? myra hindley being shown to billions around the globe

oh and its worse see link

i hope the 2012 Olympics won't be a farce but based on this i'm not going to hold my breath




  1. Yet another lemming jumping on the Bash Britain bandwagon under the guise of supporting Britishness. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

    Your question: No.

  2. Nice to see Jimmy Page when he hasn't spent too long in the hospitality suite for a change. Ironic that he's of Latvian extraction.

  3. It´s only the Brits who are moaning about it.

    It went down a treat here in Spain and everywhere else!

  4. I really enjoyed the handover ceremony. The Chinese have come across as very robotic and sense of humour-less over the last 2 weeks.

    We showed them how to party properly!

    You should lighten up a bit.

  5. To be honest to oneself, from now on, all the rest of the Olympic Games have been overshadowed and spoiled by Chinese 2008 Olympic no matter how hard one tries to make it work. The benchmark has been set, the world record has been set and it will not be broken for a long, long, logn, ... time to come . I am sorry to spoil all the fun  but it is the truth, even your conscious will tell you so.

  6. You are the proper little cynic. Your countrymen have achieved the best Olympic results for 100 years and all you can do is bellow a load of negative drivel. I for one salute "Team G.B", and offer them my sincere congratulations. The 2012 London Olympics will be an outstanding success but I wish you would hold your breath anyway. The Myra Hindley thing was the the actions of a bunch of mental defects.

  7. Remember the lousy logo? Well, it's like they can not do anything right. They had cringe-worthy Boris making a complete bafoon of himself at the party. Good job he didn't open his mouth at the actual ceremony itself. As for Beckham - a has-been footballer who won't make it to the national team. Is that the best we can marshal? Oh, Gordy! In the Olympics of tackiness, we have come first again.

  8. Yes a bit of a let down. I agree with you, why Beckham? I hope the 2012 Olympics are even more amazing than Beijing, but I`m not holding my breath either..

  9. Sorry, but the Olympics should concentrate on world class athletics and not on providing a tatty spectacle for people with a cultural level around a dachshund's tummy height.

    I'm sure the athletics in 2012 will be as good as ever.  Pity about everything else.

  10. The 2012 Olympics will be rubbish.

  11. I was really looking forward to the hand-over but the dancing with umbrellas just looked tacky and underpractised next to the perfect routines from China and i was so disappointed ... i just hope we have an opening ceremony in 4 years time with as much imagination and originality as the chinese came up with ... i don't want to be faced with another cringing moment like the one yesterday. I couldn't even hear leona's singing ... sound quality was poor. Oh well ... 4 years to improve...

  12. what do you want to answer ?

    it is bye, bye Beijing, over to London.  Bird's nest presents a fabulous picture of splendid colour and vibrant music.

    The host capped a spectacular task, executed on a gigantic scale, with a memorable closing ceremony in bringing the curtains down on the 'ultimate games' china had topped in every aspect, including the gold medal tally, and it touched hearts around the world with dream finish. The olympic hymn was sung by 226 children from around the world.

    The 2012 host put up an 8 minit show in a moving bus, with leona lewis and jimmy page regaling the audience with a dynamic song  and David Beckam kicking a football from the top of the bus to signal the start of London's takeover.

    Tonight, we come to the end of 16 glorious days which we will cherish forever, said the IOC president as he thanked china, the thousands of volunteers and the organizing committee.

    Now say, is it rubbish?  Anyone can comment on anything, but who knows or feels the difficulties they arranged for a successful closing ceremony?  It is not a fun matter.  if anything rubbish happens, the world will laugh.  Really a fine event and i find no rubbish.  Anyone can find fault on a building built, and who know the pain in building ?  we certainly to appreciate china for their spectacular final.

  13. The closing ceremony was a fitting end to the china lying Olympics.  I mean come that was just sad.

  14. to be sure

  15. It was a bloody embarrassment.....

    And that London skyline/green thing.......Jesus, Mary and Joseph !!

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