
Olympics. Why do runners slow down before they cross the finishing line?

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It's not as though there is a brick wall in front of them!




  1. if there in the back of the pack there probably thinking they have notin 2 lose. and also some of the runners get tired and that can cost them the race  

  2. I think it's just instinct. You get to a finish line and you automatically stop whether you're in the olympics or running down the street!

  3. hey usain bolt didnt show off in the 200m he just broke the d**n record by miles!

    If i was usain bolt i wouldve done the same - almost every celebrity does that - show off.

    Just cos the haters cant run the 100m cos theyre fat...

  4. Some cases fatigue others just not doing what their coaches teach. even from an early age,athletes are coached to run through the line, we even coach speeding up as you come to the line if you heard the summary from Michael Johnson on the Wariner 400 Mt's he said it was totally unacceptable and, unprofessional for Wariner not to finish as strong as he could. athletes remember. good money has been paid to watch you perform to the best of your ability. which means finish the race as strongly as you possibly can no matter your position

  5. Their body and instincts are forcing them to slow down due to lactic acid build-up and the huge burst of energy that is expended in the race.

  6. Because the build up of lactic acid means every muscle in their legs is in pain and their instinct is to stop running.

  7. they want to show off. just like usain bolt did

  8. If they are in a heat they know they still have the final to run.  

    So they want to preserve as much energy as possible.  

    If they are leading by a reasonable amount they slow to preserve the energy for next time!    

  9. I've noticed that too, if they run on through the finish line they won't be pipped at the post and also knock some seconds off their time, unless its to qualify then I don't mind.

    I remember seeing on some clips about Coe and Ervert (?),

    they never slowed down,. It gets me.

  10. When they are sprinting it is by the end that the lactic acid kicks in, forcing them to slow down.

  11. Why waste energy if you don't have to?

  12. all of them are wrong they do it in the peliminarie heats and qulafiers im the only one that was rite on here

  13. Common sense. It is obvious they used up energy so much in the very beginning and they will definitely be tired by the time they get to finish line than when they started.

  14. I think it's because if they're about to break a record they can break it again with ease if they slow down the first time, and not the second time.  

    Everyone always makes a big fuss when someone breaks their own record, they get kudos twice that way.

  15. When a racer is running the races he/she has a mental note that tells them where their destination is.  This mental note creates a subconscious safety measure that slows the runner near the finish line to start the recovery process and to begin getting rid of the Lactic Acid build-up.  The human body can only be pushed so far until the bodies natural instincts take over and start to do what is necessary to prevent injury or keep the natural processes from stopping.  If you pay attention to lesser runners they slow down far before the finish line because their body is not trained and able to get to the point where Olympians are.

    Olympian athletes train hard to be able to make it that far before needing to slow down and that in of itself is a great feat.  Try running yourself and you will soon see the effects caused by strenuous activity in isolated locations.  Hope that helped.

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