
Olympics question about winnings?

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does anyone else feel there is somehting wrong with the chinese winning al the golds,, i feel a bit curioues that there is somehting behind it, i heard the gymnastics team had their passports say they were 16,, but they actually were like 12 and 14. i think its a strange coincidence that they win all these medals




  1. The Chinese are always one of the top teams in summer olympics. I guess you've never watch or something.

  2. I'm guessing you're from the US and having a hard time accepting that another country is kicking your butt in a competition. Don't worry, once track & field starts you'll do a lot better and I even beleive end up winning more golds than China.

    About this thing with the passports and stuff, if it's true well then too bad and they should sanction the Chineese. However, don't make such a big deal 'cause at this level everybody cheats. Or are you telling me that you're country never cheats?

  3. Let me're from the US right?

  4. I do believe 2 or 3 of them are well under 16 and if they had followed the rules we would have faced a team with lower Difficulty Values and probably won the gold.

    Still, I don't think its accurate to say the US has Juniors that are equal to the Chinese Olympians. We have some FANTASTIC juniors but their A scores are the same or lower than our Seniors, and with the excellent execution of the Chinese, it comes down to difficulty.

    Our younger girls with the hardest difficulty don't have that textbook execution yet, because we don't train the way they do (THANK GOD) from the age of 3 in camps away from their familes.

    Let's put it in perspective -- if it takes cheating and lost childhoods to win team gold, I'd rather have a silver any day.

  5. Do you question the U.S when they top the medal list in previous Olympics? Until there is solid proof, don't be so shallow as to judge a person's by just their looks. Just because U.S athletes have bulging muscles doesn't mean they are doping. Stop being a sore loser cause sour grapes just make bad whine.

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